MODUS - Key Persons

Andrew Daley

Jason grew up with a hammer in his hand, the son of a design-build carpenter that instilled in him an endless desire to tinker. Before attending Rice, he graduated from Clemson University in South Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture. Along with his southern roots come a sense of patience that translates into meticulous attention to detail (and putting up with Andrew's New York moments). Jason has just completed his Master of Architecture Thesis, and spends his spare time tinkering, playing soccer, and spending time with his wife Sandy. Peter spent his early years in the Hudson Valley of New York State (this is never to be confused with New York, the City) fueled by a more than healthy dose of curiosity, he always wanted to know how those big cranes worked, and how those tall buildings stood up. Most importantly though, how they might work better. That is how he found himself at the University of Cincinnati, where he earned his Bachelor of Science in Architecture. Finished with his respective Master of Architecture Thesis, Peter now splits his time logging endless bicycle miles, exploring Houston with his wife Kristin, and imagining the city's tomorrow. Andrew's love of architecture stems from his grandfather, an avid wood-worker who was a student at Pratt Institute before enlisting in WWII, his mother, a studio art major and relentless creator, and what else, Legos. Despite receiving his Bachelor of Science in Architecture at the University of Virginia, Andrew is a New Yorker through and through, which Jason likes to remind him of often. He likes to think that growing up in New York is responsible for his drive and his attitude of "never give up until it's done". Having also just completed his Master of Architecture Thesis, Andrew enjoys down time with his girlfriend, Jia, and their puppy, Luna.