PEACEBAR - Key Persons

Karen Pace

Karen Pace holds a Master's degree in Integrated Health and Healing from The Graduate Institute and is certified as a health counselor from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Using her knowledge from her training and her passion for healthy, good-tasting foods, she wanted to create a nutrition bar unlike most of the bars on the market today. Her vision was then realized: use only whole organic ingredients, real food and peace-inducing herbs and spices. Karen has been involved in the health food market rise from the onset as both a consumer and developer of natural products. Karen's work continues to inspire those around her to achieve better health outcomes through conscious eating. She has developed a presentation called "Making Peace With Your Mind, Body and Soul" for corporate events, yoga studios, women's groups, schools and wellness fairs. Karen focuses on shifting the "dieting paradigm" to one that enables true nourishment and self-care. By educating those around her about the effects of food on the mind, body and soul, Karen carries on her goal of integrating peace, mindfulness and nutrition to help others improve their overall health and wellbeing. For more information, please contact Karen at