Derek Grunewald - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Head of Operations
Derek has over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field. He started Think Connected after 15 years working as a Mechanical Engineer. His focus now, is heading the Operations of the company and being a dedicated Account Manager for key clients. Derek earned a BSME degree from the University of Houston. His breadth of experience covers working in the public-sector with school districts and large non-profit organizations as well as architecture/engineering firms, data center operators, and real-estate developers in the private-sector. Providing a valued solution and helping customers be successful in their mission inspires Derek most when helping customers. At the core, he enjoys being in the service industry and helping people. It provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment that we at Think Connected are in a position to help our clients succeed and not have them worry about their IT systems. Derek enjoys creating, which takes the form of photography, building, gardening, and design. Being outdoors and recharging in nature is both important and a fun way to stay grounded and connected. He has a constant curiosity for how things work and are inter-connected. He also enjoys spending time with family and friends as much as possible. Please find more at LinkedIn.

Tom Ivers - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • President
Armed with a strong technical background, dogged determination for differentiated professional services, and a fiery entrepreneurial spirit, Tom founded and worked to organically grow Think Connected from inception to where it is today. Originally from upstate NY, Tom graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He was immediately hired and relocated to the Silicon Valley to start his burgeoning career in technology. This career has spanned nearly 25 years with roles in strategic initiatives, software engineering, upper management, information technology, services, and executive positions. He is a husband and father to two teenage children and a dog. In his free time he enjoys watching movies, cooking, listening to music, and volunteering for several causes close to his passions (Little League, School Dad's Club, PHS/SPCA Pet Assisted Therapy Program at Senior/Memory Assisted Living Centers). Please find more at LinkedIn.