UTS BAGS - Key Persons

Fokke Kingma Sr

Fokke Junior really loves bags and is very innovative with coming up with new ideas. He is responsible for sales and can advise you on your choice. Contact Fokke Senior is very creative. He is the most experienced with over 40 years' experience importing from the Far East. He maintains contact with foreign relations. Contact

Marlon Kingma

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
As an office and sales manager Marlon has answers to all your questions. You can place your order with her and she accompanies your order (together with you) throughout the entire process.

René Kingma

Job Titles:
  • Logistics Specialist at UTS
René is logistics specialist at UTS and your contact for questions about order planning and handling of sea and air transport. Warehouse Management also belongs to René's duties.

Sharon Kingma

Job Titles:
  • Manager
Sharon is our studio manager and you can ask her everything about the printing artwork for your bags. You can also contact her for information about the bags we deliver from stock.