John DeCaro - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Over the past twelve years John has invested his personal time and money to inspect shipyards around the world including well known European yards. He has also actively searched for, and inspected lesser known yacht and commercial yards around the world that either have a history of building yachts or the right qualifications and capabilities to make the transition. Mr. DeCaro has also identified yards in the U.S. that offer excellent quality, and with the current exchange rate, an exceptional value in U.S. Dollars. He says, "As with other yards I am working with in South America, Europe and the U.S., one of the key elements I look for is a high degree of personal pride in the product the shipyard turns out, whether it be commercial vessels or yachts. I also look for the willingness of the yard's employees from the managing director to the fellow who fairs the hull to work with a team of professionals to improve their product and create a vessel of high standards and execution and to deliver an excellent value for the investment. John's life-long love of all things nautical naturally led him to pursue a career in mega yacht brokerage. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, John moved to Jamaica temporarily when he was 4. Here his father introduced him to sailing and all things to do with the water. "He gave me a love for the sea that grew with me. The first boat I sailed on was a 38' wood sloop out of the Kingston Yacht Club." Earning a 500-Ton US Coast Guard Masters License, John has spent 18 years enjoying a life around the ocean, logging over 80,000 nautical miles of experience. John has sailed on every ocean in the world. "To be a competent captain, you have to have total knowledge of the yacht. The first job I earned money for in yachting was cleaning the bottom of a 90' schooner in St. Thomas harbor. I worked my way up from there and have worked in every position on a boat including chef and engineer." For many years John ran his own business delivering yachts, managing projects and working in systems integration in AutoCAD prior to his brokerage career, which has kept him hopping the globe for the past 14 years.

Perfect Storm

I am sure all of you are aware of the meteorological event that occurred in on October 30, 1991. Labeled the "perfect storm" by the National Weather Service, it was the base for an international best selling book written by Sebastian Junger and a block buster movie directed by Wolfgang Petersen.