Dr Gail Williams

Dr. Gail Williams was originally an equine lawyer, however, is currently a practicing physiotherapist specialising in equine behavioural disorders and remedial training programs. As an Equine Physiotherapist Dr. Williams works with injured horses referred to her by veterinary surgeons to get them back on the road to competition. At the other end of the spectrum Dr. Williams works with horse and rider teams to develop performance potential. Dr. Williams has observed that 90% of the horses she sees have some saddle damage to their backs and it is therefore one of the most important things she has to address in performance development. Dr. Williams was interested in the concept of an Air Cushion and was driven to conduct independent testing on their performance through 2 case studies.


Dr. Peter Cronau is one of the most highly respected veterinarians in the world and runs the Equine Sports Medical Centre in Germany. He is a veterinarian for horses specialising in equine surgery. Dr Cronau was the German team veterinarian for seven Olympic games, served as the foreign veterinarian delegate for the Barcelona and Atlanta Olympics and was the Chairman of the Veterinarian Committee for the FEI from 1990-1998.