Jennifer Burch

Jennifer received her Doctor of Pharmacy from Campbell University School of Pharmacy in 1993. She returned to Durham after pharmacy school to work at the family owned independent pharmacy, Central Pharmacy. Central Compounding Center spun off of Central Pharmacy in 2003 in order to focus on compounding only. In 2006, she opened Central Compounding Center South and consolidated the compounding businesses. She developed a practice that is strong in patient care. Customized hormone replacement therapy and nutritional supplementation are two of her specialties. She has attended numerous educational conferences on these subjects. Jennifer pursued diabetes as an interest and is a Certified Diabetes Educator. Jennifer is very active in local, state and national pharmacy organizations. She currently serves as the Treasurer for the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation. She is the past-Chairman of the Board for the Alliance of Compounding Pharmacy (ACP) Board of Directors and is the past Chair of the Board of the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association (NCRMA) Board. She has served as President of the Durham-Orange Pharmacist Association (DOPA) and has served multiple terms on the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists (NCAP) Board of Directors. For fun, she enjoys playing with her dog(s), hiking, traveling and enjoys watching Carolina football and basketball.

Sejjal Patel

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • RPh
Sejjal received her BS in Pharmacy from Rutgers University College of Pharmacy in 1994. She received her PharmD from the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy in 1996. Sejjal has been working at Central Compounding Center South since September 2013. Sejjal is married and has 2 children. Sejjal is a fitness instructor when she is not working as a pharmacist. She is an avid Carolina basketball fan.