Updated 917 days ago
6600 Amberton Dr, Elkridge 21075, Maryland, USA
Center for Social Change is a private nonprofit organization that supports children and adults with special needs including autism spectrum disorder. The Center is a strong advocate for personal choices in community living for individuals who are developmentally, physically, psychologically and emotionally challenged. The Center is a board-driven organization and has a 501(c)3 status under the IRS code. Since 1993, it has been providing various services including residential, vocational, supported employment, medical adult day, therapeutic integration for children with autism, volunteering opportunities and advocacy to individuals with intellectual disabilities... Center for Social Change maintains a wide variety of programs to serve our individuals. In Maryland, USA, our programs include residential services for adults and children, vocational and supported employment for adults, day habilitation for adults, medicaid waiver services for autistic, dually diagnosed adults and children,..
Also known as: Center for Social Change Inc.