Bach Flower Remedies

In the 1920s and 30s a noted homeopath and bacteriologist called Dr Edward Bach discovered a way of providing that help - a complete system of 38 flower remedies that can help us rediscover the positive side of ourselves and help us live emotionally healthy lives. The Bach Original Flower Remedies started life at Dr Edward Bach's home, Mount Vernon - now better known as the Bach Centre. Here, Dr Bach trained his friends and colleagues and trusted them to carry his work forward into the future. Today, under the careful supervision of Judy Ramsell Howard - the Bach Centre's current custodian - a small team of dedicated people pick and prepare the flowers by hand. In many cases the remedy-makers collect the flowers from locations first used by Dr Bach himself. Now sold in over 65 countries worldwide, the Bach Original Flower Remedies are used by individuals and respected medical and complementary health practitioners alike. To make sure that you have a genuine Bach Original Flower Remedy, just look for the Bach signature on the bottle. This guarantees a Bach Original Flower Remedy just like Dr Bach himself used to make. Each of the 38 Bach Original Flower Remedies are unique and help to treat different emotions. In this section, you will find a full description of each one and plenty of guidance on which remedies to choose and how to take them.

Dr. Woods Castile

Soap is very mild and versatile for everyday as a body wash, facial cleanser, shampoo, and shaving lather. It is also excellent as a mild laundry detergent. There are three refreshing fragrances, Peppermint, Almond, and Tea Tree. Originating from Castile, Spain, their soaps are vegetable based, containing no animal fat. Because their soaps are biodegradable, they are perfect for camping.

Jamar Labs

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