Alice Zhou - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
Alice Zhou is a multi-talented event producer and publicist at Gracious Host Events & PR. She brings years of experience to her clients helping them gain more brand awareness through events, marketing, press, social media and image makeover. Her gift of storytelling and connecting you to the right people has opened doors to increased revenue, doubling the attendance to events, and bringing publicity. She is a public speaker on the topic of "Networking", "Event Management", "Social Media", "Emotional Equity", "Intercultural Miscommunication" and "How to become a Public Speaker". She's freelance reporter with WoW TV. Since 2003, she has serviced The Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board, Credential Ethical Fund, Regional Recycling, Lugaro Jewellery, and many more clients. She volunteers with two local non profit Global Civic Society and Beauty Nights.