Updated 40 days ago
122 1st Avenue Suite 600 Fairbanks, AK 99701
Are you looking for help in Alaska? If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol and needs help, we can assist you in finding local rehab centers in Alaska that can provide you with effective treatment for substance abuse. You are not alone in your fight and you don't have to live with the constant pain and suffering caused by addiction-we can help you find and choose a rehab center that will show you the right path to recovery...
Many different drug rehab centers, alcohol treatment centers, eating disorder rehab centers and mental health rehabilitation centers are listed here at Alaska Rehab Centers .com. Resources and links are provided to help visitors make informed, proactive decisions about their treatment and recovery. If you are looking for addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, you can find everything you need here at Alaska Rehab Centers .com.
Also known as: Alaska Rehab Centers