Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
Besides our company's stable and dependable management, my greatest source of pride as CEO of Béres is our continuous growth, which we have achieved on our own merits by drawing on our scientific expertise and knowledge of the market. It's a great feeling to be part of the work of the Béres team, which is characterised by commitment, diligence and innovative thinking. The key to our success is continuous development and innovation, and a solid professional and human base. It is through this that we ensure the high quality of our products - and it is to this, in turn, that we owe our reputation in preserving human health. Our most valuable asset is, after all, the trust that our customers have in us.

Ferenc Mádl

Job Titles:
  • President of the Republic of Hungary


Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Communications Director, Chair of the Béres Foundation
I consider it a gift of fate, if you will, that I joined the Béres family at a young age and was able to meet my father-in-law in person. At that time, we were experiencing the most difficult period in the history of the company: Béres Drops had been rejected and József Béres Senior was being called a quack. His unwavering perseverance, his sense of responsibility for his fellow human beings and his love for his country became my most important source of fortitude. With this moral heritage, I can draw on values that provide a solid basis for our decisions, and we can all face our challenges with confidence. At the same time, I draw strength and inspiration every day from the knowledge that our efforts serve the greatest cause of all - people's health and wellbeing. When I look back at the successes of the past decades, it fills me with joy to see that we have always advanced in harmony with the example set by József Béres. And I know that, somewhere out there, he is proud of us too.


Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Vice President, Director of Innovation and Portfolio Management
The basis of our success is the ethos inherited from my grandfather, which infuses the entire Béres team: a firm belief in, and consistent commitment to outstanding professionalism and the Béres quality standard. In all fields. We develop, manufacture and market products that are based on the latest know-how, in the highest possible quality, often beyond the standards set by the legal requirements, products that everyone can consume with confidence, and that we ourselves use. Our aim is not to maximise our profits over the short term, but to help our customers lead healthier, happier lives. It is our duty to maintain our reputation for authenticity.


Job Titles:
  • Deputy Communications Director
I grew up with Béres and as I grew, I became increasingly proud to be a Béres. My parents always talked about the company as a big family, and that's how I think of it, too. Our employees are very important to me; we could not be successful without them. Way beyond our business goals, we are held together by our legacy - my grandfather's ethos. To this day, this ethos is a defining and guiding force not just for our family but for our employees too. It is also the basis of the Béres quality that infuses everything we do. This is coupled with a long-term approach, meaning that it is not only being successful today that counts, but that it is vital to sustain and build on that success across generations.


Job Titles:
  • Director of Finance
For me, working for Béres means being part of a quest I can be proud of, building on a received example of humanity, diligence and thoroughness, and acting consistently with that, in a place where every employee can identify with the injunction of the company's founder: "… cure, without doing harm…". There is perfect harmony between what the outside world sees and our internal values: Béres is a close, friendly community that regards the preservation of people's health as its core mission and purpose, while at the same time creating value for its owners. This authenticity is what characterises Béres, and it is one of the secrets of its success.

Sr. József Béres Sr.

Job Titles:
  • Officer
  • President of the Board of Directors
"I've never given up on the life of a fellow human being, nor do I intend to now, nor could I. I have a different purpose in this world." Dr. József Béres Sr. was an agricultural engineer - a healer of the soil, of plants, of animals, and then of people. Béres Drops, which have been used every day by hundreds of thousands of people for decades to preserve their health and support their immune system, were born out of a love of the earth: they are akin to a bow before the power and wisdom of nature. It is an idea that emerged from a single mind, one that helps us find our way back to our roots. It channels the balance found in nature to create harmony within us. The life of Dr. József Béres Sr. was a constant struggle against those who were envious of him, and a tireless labour of love for the sick and for the community. Dr. József Béres Sr. created Béres Drops in 1972. Although the researcher himself soon gained a reputation, it was not possible for the product to garner much attention until the change of regime. József Béres never gave up, however, and today, family-owned Béres Pharmaceuticals is one of the most successful of Hungarian companies, which, in addition to Béres Drops, markets a host of other products that help us preserve our health. His life is one of the most beautiful examples of diligence, perseverance, ingenuity, hard work, helpfulness, and faith in the community. Although he said many times that "no one can be a prophet in his own country," he has indeed become one. His extraordinary commitment to his vocation and purpose in life made him a legend even in his own lifetime. He lived among us from 1920 to 2006. The name of Béres József has been preserved in the names of numerous institutions, public spaces and monuments. There is a statue of him in his hometown and another at the Semmelweis Museum of Medical History among the other great healers of Hungary. His life story has been told and re-told in numerous books, plays and documentaries, and in 2019 a television film series was produced about him entitled Cseppben az élet (Life in a Drop). In February 2020 a feature film portraying the most dramatic part of his life was released in cinemas: A feltaláló (The Inventor). Dr. József Béres was the first person in Europe to receive the Business Integrity Award from charity-and-humanitarian organisation Rotary International on account of the fact that "his life's work is a testament to the highest moral standards, and the company he founded is an outstanding model of integrity in the conduct of business". English edition of Klára Béres's book "Szirtfoknak lenni" - "Rock in Tempest Standing". (22 November 2002) Sr. József Béres Sr. receives the Order of Merit, Officer's Cross for his work promoting the societal acceptance of the merits of health preservation. (20 August 1997) I believe that for any business, a creed, or a belief, that guides the company in its dealings is important. My father, József Béres Sr., expressed our creed thus: "Let the idea be good and true". This "good idea", to put it simply, was Béres Drops: our most important inheritance. After the company was founded, this product was at the focus of our attentions, and our later products grew out of the "philosophy" that underlay it. It also provided the base we needed to continue providing a service that was useful to society. Our thinking is shaped by our deep appreciation of life and health, the desire to improve people's quality of life, and we believe our success in business is inseparable from the ethics that underpin it. We live and work purposefully in accordance with our values: we pursue our work with humility and we remain conscious of our obligation to help the sick, the deprived and the poor. All this would not be achievable without a reputation based on solid professionalism and a team of outstanding employees able to implement our goals consistently on a daily basis. It is gratifying to me and augurs well for the future that the next generation of the family has chosen to join Béres and take the company to the next level.

Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin Medal

An accolade presented by the Office of the President of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation for advances in the reacclimatising treatment of cosmonauts following spaceflight. (11 March 2000)