CLARK MASON - Key Persons

Clark W. Mason

Clark has served the legal community in many capacities, including President of the Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association. He is also an active member of the American Association of Justice, the Lawyer Pilot's Bar Association and regularly speaks at events for lawyers, often in connection with Arkansas' Continuing Legal Education Seminars. Clark has served by appointment of the Governor as a Special Associate Justice on the Arkansas Supreme Court, and joined the majority opinion in what is now a landmark decision addressing an issue known as economic credentialing. The Court, with Special Associate Justice Clark Mason participating, held a hospital may not deny or revoke a physician's hospital privileges in the event if that physician also holds an economic interest in a competing private hospital. Thi s groundbreaking decision further protects and strengthens the physician-patient relationship and reinforces the patient's right to choose their own physician, while also protecting the rights of physicians to provide specialized care at private specialty hospitals. This decision is now relied upon by lawyers and judges as authority in courts throughout the United States and was widely praised by the American Medical Society as reinforcing the rights of patients to choose their physician.