Laura Bastion

Job Titles:
  • Digital Marketing Strategist
Laura Bastion is a Digital Marketing Strategist and List Building Expert, who started as Virtual Assistant behind the scenes. Laura knows how simplify technology and the processes so Coaches, Consultants & Course Creators can implement the strategies and technology to build their online coaching business without the stress and headaches. She specializes in building Funnels to capture your leads and sell your services, along with Instagram/Facebook Ads and Strategy. Laura leverages over 20 years of graphics, online marketing & business building experience for her clients. She has spent thousands of hours hands-on behind the scenes implementing her magic for her clients. With Laura's mentoring, the process is seamless and straightforward. Laura is a firm believer that the tech and how-to should not hold anyone back from building an online business. So many people are in the online space coaching clients, who become overwhelmed in the process. Therefore most of the digital programs and coaching they buy is sitting on their computers wasted. You can't hire out a project and get the results you want unless you can understand the process yourself. Laura will help you do just that, as you scale and grow your business.