Dario Nardi

Dario Nardi was also in that January 1994 Qualifying Program and we engaged him to help develop an exploratory narrative self-discovery program that was before its time. This evolved into a long term relationship with Dario as an author and co-author as well as theory partner. That collaboration continues to this day. In 1994 Linda experimented with a new way of doing self-discovery with the Jungian functions (aka Cognitive Processes). Instead of presenting the dichotomies of the MBTI® dimensions, she had people experience all 8 Jungian mental functions. In this way, people were less likely to interpret it as an either/or and see type preferences as a both/and and to look at the whole pattern. This cut the teaching time for identifying the dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior processes from two hours to 20 minutes. Now it was easier for people to see how they have access to them all, but just give preference to a few and opens the door for development.