Rich Blue Sapphire

This video shows the water which is being pumped out of this shallow mined, at the end, you will see a second basket acting as a sieve catching any small loose gravel which will fall into the drum to be checked for any sapphire deposits at the end of the day. This is a cooperative of miners who will go directly go to our Gem broker when sapphires or rubies are found, this helps keep the costs down missing out on a long chain of Gem brokers and Gem corporations. Typically each time a Gemstone is changed hand the price increase as much as 100%, many sapphires will go from these small cooperatives will go to the markets where they will be bought by a Gem broker who will travel to the City where the sapphire is sold to a larger gem company and then sold to a larger gem house in many cases in Bangkok, Thailand before is it bought by a large gem corporation for overseas sales. This is a typical path a sapphire or ruby will take and each time that stone is sold the price keeps rising, Sapphire Ring Co exclusively buys straight from our own Gem broker here in Sri Lanka enabling us to keep our prices very competitive as well as keeping the profits with the people who are working on these private family and cooperative mines.

Sapphire Wedding Bands

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