Updated 29 days ago
10427 N. Scottsdale Rd. Scottsdale, AZ. 85258
Cocaine addiction can occur very quickly and be very difficult to break. Animal studies have shown that animals will work very hard (press a bar over 10,000 times) for a single injection of cocaine, choose cocaine over food and water, and take cocaine even when this behavior is punished. Animals must have their access to cocaine limited in order not to take toxic or even lethal doses. People addicted to cocaine behave similarly. They will go to great lengths to get cocaine and continue to take it even when it hurts their school or job performance and their relationships with loved ones...
Stop Cocaine Addiction .com provides a full list of drug and alcohol treatment centers for every city in the United States. We offer free placement services for anyone looking for treatment. Call 1-866-576-0843 to speak to a counselor and find a treatment program today.