TRUE COLOURS - Key Persons

Dr Fraser Maxwell

Job Titles:
  • Medical Representative

Dr Suniti Bisht

Job Titles:
  • Medical Representative

Leean Bedwell - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman

Paul Grant

Job Titles:
  • Parent Representative

Sandra Braithwaite - Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Treasurer
  • Trustee and Treasurer of True Colours Children 's Health Trust
Sandra has been a trustee and Treasurer of True Colours Children's Health Trust since 2009 and is passionate about the services True Colours provides to families. Sandra is a commercial, property and family partner at Harkness Henry, a Hamilton law firm. She previously practiced as a chartered accountant for eighteen years, specialising in tax consultancy, before joining Harkness Henry.

Sarah Rawcliffe

Job Titles:
  • Secretary
  • Trustee
  • Litigation Partner at Harkness Henry Lawyers
Sarah Rawcliffe is a trustee and has been Secretary of the Board since 2009. She is also a member of the Friends of True Colours Committee and loves being involved in organising the annual Melbourne Cup Long Lunch. Sarah is a Litigation Partner at Harkness Henry Lawyers. She assists clients with a range of contentious matters including commercial disputes, insolvency, estate and relationship property disputes and regulatory prosecutions. She also works with Professional Conduct Committees appointed under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003.

Wayne Panapa

Job Titles:
  • Member of the NZ Police
Wayne has been a serving member of the NZ Police with 40 years' service, he is of Tainui and Ngati Whatua tribal descent and is married with two adult children.