WICWAS PRESS - Key Persons

Dan O'Hanlon - President

Job Titles:
  • President

Darcy Connor

Andrew and Darcy Connor are an integral part of Wicwas's team, often representing the family-owned publishing company at beekeeping meetings across the country. Son of Lawrence J. Connor, Andrew is also a beekeeper who has been known to sell some of his own honey when asked. Check out BeeCabulary Essentials for Andrew's first published book on both basic and advanced beekeeping terms.

Dr. Lawrence John Connor

Larry Connor was born in Kalamzoo and graduated from Richland High School in 1963. He earned three degrees in entomology from Michigan State University and was hired as Extension Entomologist in Apiculture at The Ohio State University in 1972. In 1976 he was hired by Chuck Dadant of Dadant and Sons to run a new bee breeding program located in Labelle, Florida. Called Genetic Systems, Inc. this firm had two missions: to produce breeder queens for the Starline and Midnite hybrid bee programs (established by Dr. G.H. "Bud" Cale, Jr), and to mass produce instrumentally inseminated three-line hybrid bees called the Cale 876 Hybrid. Connor left Florida in late 1980 to live in Cheshire and New Haven, Connecticut. In 2007, due to pressure of travel, he relocated to Kalamazoo and continues to write books and publish for Wicwas Press as well as serve as a monthly columnist for Bee Culture Magazine and the American Bee Journal. In huge demand on the beekeeping speaking circuit, Connor travels widely to share his beekeeping knowledge at beekeeper meetings. He also conducts workshops on queen rearing and bee breeding, honey bee microscopy and related topics. Since childhood, Connor has had a strong interest in photography. He continues to expand his collection of images of bees, beekeepers and bee flora. Dr. Connor receives a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Tammy Horn Potter

Job Titles:
  • Author