Amie King

Job Titles:
  • Licensed Physical Therapist, State of Illinois
Education: Bradley University, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy

Amy McDowell

Job Titles:
  • Licensed Physical Therapist, State of Illinois
Education: Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy

Corianne Strupp

After experiencing the impact of Fascial Counterstrain firsthand, Corianne Strupp went on to earn a Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) from Carroll University in Waukesha, WI. Following her final clinical rotation at ARC Physical Therapy, Corianne has sought mentorship opportunities which would expand her Fascial Counterstrain knowledge alongside a steady pace of continuing education courses. She now treats acute, chronic and complex patient cases utilizing the Fascial Counterstrain methodology Corianne often brings Counterstrain into her free time with continuing education courses, health fairs, presenting seminars and "talking shop" with her sister (also a DPT), brother (student physical therapist) siblings, and mom (who is also a Physical therapist and Counterstrain provider in WI.)

Lauren Aplington

Job Titles:
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy
Lauren Aplington, Doctor of Physical Therapy, is a Physical Therapist based at ARC Elmhurst location. She received her undergraduate degree from Illinois State University in Bloomington, Illinois with a major in biology and minor in psychology. While she was there, she was an All Conference Division One Track and Cross Country runner. After graduating from ISU, she attended the distinguished Physical Therapy school Rosalind Franklin University. There she obtained experience through her clinical rotations in Outpatient Orthopedics and Acute Care at Loyola Medical Center, Maywood, IL. However, it was in 2013 that she gained an interest in the Jones Institute Strain- Counterstrain, In 2017 Lauren began working under Brian Tuckey to acquire advanced manual skills in Fascial Counterstrain (FCS). "FCS has expanded my manual treatment skills and has given me an advanced level of knowledge to address the multi-system influence causing patients pain and dysfunction". As Lauren practices, her goals with all her clients are to optimize their form and function for their whole body, alleviate their pain, and return them to previous or higher level of function. Lauren frequently works with various acute to complex chronic pain cases, post-operative patients, conditions related to neuropathy, cervical, lumbar, knee and shoulder dysfunction, to name a few. When she is not working, you will find her busy caring for her three children and hanging out with her family. They love traveling together. Lauren continues to enjoy running and on her free time gets out to play tennis or golf. For people afflicted specifically with golf ailments, she's received Level II certificate completion from Titleist Performance Institute.

Martin O'Shea

As practicing physical therapist since 1985, Marty O'Shea was first exposed to Counterstrain when he attended a seminar which was given by Lawrence Jones D.O. (the originator of the Counterstrain technique.) He quickly realized that Counterstrain was a powerful tool that enabled him to address some of the more recalcitrant problems that his more complex patients presented with which he had previously been unable to effectively treat. After that initial course, he went on to be certified in the Counterstrain in 2003 through the Jones Institute. The next big revelation with his Counterstrain experience was when he attended his first seminar with Brian Tuckey in 2008 where he was introduced to the concept in which Brian applied the Counterstrain concept to the fascial system. This has enabled him to use Counterstrain to treat his patients with conditions that that he never imagined would be treatable within the world of physical therapy. He has since attended all the new fascial seminars as Brian has released them and has consistently trained through the Counterstrain academy to help perfect his mastery of fascial Counterstrain. He works closely with all the physical therapists at ARC Physical Therapy to provide the best treatment possible to help relieve pain and meet his patients' goals.