Jan P. Myhre

Jan P. Myhre was born in the year of 1960 - in Oslo, Norway. He has been working with shoes since 1981. His shoemaking business is mainly based on the British classic tradition, which his selection of styles clearly indicates. The methods and techniques used in his work are based on a tradition developed to such perfection in the Renaissance that it has remained unchanged ever since. By commanding all the disciplines in the craft himself - last-making, pattern-making, clicking, closing and making - Myhre is in full control of every stage of the creation of each and every shoe Much of his inspiration and expertise Myhre acquired as a trainee at John Lobb Ltd. London. Ever since his first visit to the shop at 9, St. James´s in 1987, the warm enthusiasts of this highly renowned company have been Myhre´s kind mentors and friends. Now, Jan P. Myhre has taken on the mentor role himself - teaching the craft to new and upcoming talents.