EPOCA - Key Persons

Gilberto Maggiolo

Job Titles:
  • Director
Emigrated to Australia in 1966 as a single 19 year old with limited command of English. He found himself employed as a Boilermaker for MIM in Mount Isa. After proving himself with his "Aussie Mates" he met Tony Bosso and they established a small company to undertake steel fabrication on a contract basis. The rest, as they say, is history. The projects became bigger, more complex and diversified. The success of the business enabled them to expand to Mackay and become involved in the Coal expansion in Central Queensland. Finally to Brisbane and the commencement of a significant Building Development arm.

Marc Mill

Job Titles:
  • Construction Manager
Marc has been involved in the Queensland construction industry for 25 years leading the construction of some of the most iconic open space construction projects in SEQ. He is a solution-based collaborative partner with all clients and is determined to provide the best quality and commercial outcomes for his clients whilst never compromising on the safety of his team and the environment in which they work. The foundations of his success are his transparent client communication and his critical thinking which sets him apart as a leader and makes him a trusted partner in delivering the most complex projects for clients both public and private.

Steve Williams

Job Titles:
  • General Manager
Steve is an exceptional communicator who is acutely aware of the budgetary limitations and stakeholder delivery objectives of projects. He is adept at maintaining professional relationships and consistently strives towards achieving mutually beneficial outcomes for Epoca and its clients. In addition to his strong communication and relationship-building skills, Steve possesses excellent planning abilities and comprehensive technical knowledge. As a result, he is a valuable contributor across all aspects of project delivery for Epoca and its clients. Furthermore, Steve's personal commitment to site safety, environmental sustainability, and quality management ensures that all Epoca projects are executed in accordance with established policies, procedures, and legislative requirements.

Tony Bosso

Job Titles:
  • Director
At 10 years of age, emigrated to Australia in 1958 as part of a family relocation. Tony was raised in Perth, WA. Tony commenced work with Humes Ltd in Perth then moved to Mount Isa where he met Gilberto. They formed a strong and enduring relationship based on trust and work ethic. Tony remained in Mount Isa and increased the business scope whilst Gilberto relocated to Mackay to start the Central Queensland operations. Tony has maintained the control of the Mount Isa operations during the intervening period.