HAP'NINGS NOW - Key Persons

Honie Ann Peacock

Honie Ann has been making exciting natural foods since she was a young girl. Her family always had a garden and made all their food from scratch, mainly from local ingredients - all grown without chemical pesticides. Passionate about the relationship between healthy, exciting food, fitness and wellness, Honie Ann is now devoting all her time to teaching what she has learned in the kitchen, in her studies, in workout studios, and in her busy life. She is continuing her personal kitchen coaching, has refined and expanded her earlier workshops, cooking lessons and related materials and is offering them to a select group of individuals and small groups who want to fit a healthier diet and a healthier lifestyle into their busy lives. Honie Ann empowers you with the tools you need to prevent dis-ease, to stave off aging, and to infuse you with high energy for living a creative, rich life. She took vegan baking courses at the Natural Gourmet Institute in NYC 20 years ago, studied Macrobiotics with Michio Kushi, took courses in nutrition, continued to experiment in her kitchen, became a certified personal trainer and took a year-long course in anatomy. This organically led HON to create "HON'S BUNS" - a line of organic, high-end, high energy, multi-ethnic savories and sweets that were also vegan, naturally low-fat, and wheat-free with health benefits. Honie Ann, ahead of her time, then created Change 2000 to make HON'S BUNS. Change 2000 was a non-profit social enterprise housed first at Park West HS in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan - a high school for students majoring in culinary arts. These students became Honie Ann's interns and made HON'S BUNS in resurrected kitchens that Honie Ann financed. Change 2000 earned 50% of its budget from the sale of its products and services. Simultaneousiy, Honie Ann created and began presenting "Creating a Healthier Kitchen and a Healthier You" workshops for busy working people of all ages at the Learning Annex, local gyms, Gurney's Spa in the Hamptons and organic markets. These workshops featured organic, mainly plant-based, multi-ethnic foods with health benefits [Nutraceuticals] "HON'S BUNS" and Change 2000 Inc. were featured on ABC Eyewitness News and a cable show called "Something to Offer". "HON'S BUNS" was written up in the New York Times Food Section and in natural food magazines where Honie Ann's recipes were often published. After ABC Eyewitness News covered Change 2000 and HON'S BUNS, Honie Ann was asked by Riverside Church to run its food service. This included managing a 6-day/week café, 7-day/week catering operation at the 3-block- long landmark church in Upper Manhattan. Honie Ann and her crew, students and professionals together, catered 700 events there in addition to serving lunch and breakfast six days/week to the public for two years.