Christo Mircev - CIO

Job Titles:
  • Head of IT
Christo Mircev: Head of IT. Christo has been responsible for developing and implementing our fantastic Postal and Online Live Bidding systems as well as our stock control programs, graphic design, advertising material and catalogue production & implementation.

Moana Hannaford - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
Moana Hannaford: COO, Auction Coordinator and Art Director. Moana is responsible for the high quality photography, auction catalogue production, vendor and client liaison, as well as daily overseer of pretty much everything relating to the complex process of running multiple live Online auctions.

Paul Hannaford

Job Titles:
  • the Professional Team at IAG Consists of
Paul Hannaford: CEO, Managing Director, Head Numismatist and Head of Grading. Paul has been a Professional Numismatic Dealer for 39 years, and has brought IAG to a prominent position as one of the leading Auction Houses in Australia. He is considered a numismatic expert on Australian Pre Decimal Coins and Banknotes, and has been involved in providing information for numerous Numismatic price guides. Paul is a past National President of A.N.D.A. (The Australasian Numismatic Dealers Association), having held that position for a record 6 years, and is the longest ever serving ANDA Committee member having served for the last 26 years and counting. In addition to being National President, he has also held the position of Vice President for a number of years, as well as chairing other specialised numismatic related ANDA committees including the Ethics and Good Conduct Committee (E&GCC).

Susan Clark

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager, Head of Accounts and Head Client
Susan Clark: Office Manager, Head of Accounts and Head Client Liaison. Susan has been with us for 16 years. She is responsible for the day to day general running of IAG including all financial and accounting aspects, and handles all office and auction enquiries with her customary efficient and fantastic service.