Aimee Butler

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Aimee is based in Richmond, VA and prepares taxes for Wacek and Associates. Aimee joined our team after over a decade of working in public and private-sector accounting for companies of all sizes. When she is not working, Aimee is most likely enjoying nature activities, teaching a ballet barre class, or spending time with her husband and their dogs.

Ben Wacek

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Ben, as you may have guessed, is Rick's oldest grandson. He serves as Papa's right-hand man to help him with administrative tasks! Ben is an avid reader and loves sports. He's loves living abroad and currently lives in Bosnia and has already lived in Greece and Egypt.

Calli Fawcett

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Calli currently resides in North Jakarta, where her family serves at a local international school. As a stay-at-home mom with growing kids, being able to serve others in a practical way through tax preparation is a welcomed change in speed. Calli loves any sports, time with family and friends, and is so grateful that her husband does most of the cooking!

Connie Miller

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Connie is based in Richmond, VA, and prepares taxes for Wacek and Associates. After teaching math for ten years, Connie jumped into the tax world. A fun connection within our team is that Connie is actually Jessica's mother!

Jay Shewan

Job Titles:
  • Partner
Jay is based in Indianapolis, IN, and runs the day-to-day operations of Wacek and Associates. If you have a question, Jay probably has an answer or can point you to the person who does. When he's not working, Jay is likely outside with his family, preferably rollerblading.

Jessica Holloway

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Jessica is based in Richmond, VA, and prepares taxes for Wacek and Associates. While working for Wacek and Associates, Jessica is also pursuing her CPA. If you're ever in the Richmond area, make sure you try her homemade kombucha!

Joe Cozzoli

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Joe is based in Pennsylvania and prepares taxes part-time for Wacek and Associates. After investing in real estate, Joe took an interest in the tax side of businesses. He trained with and worked for H&R Block before joining Wacek and Associates. When Joe isn't working for Wacek and Associates, he is most likely spending time with his family and friends, or managing one of his business ventures.

Kathy Wacek

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant
Kathy is unsurprisingly also based in Richmond, VA, and is often traveling around the world as well. Kathy primarily assists Rick, although she plugs into various areas when needed. When she's not working, she spends as much time as she can with her grandkids!

Maria Densmoor

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Maria splits her time between Baltimore, MD, and Jakarta, Indonesia, although she lives primarily in Jakarta. Maria asserts impeccable attention to detail when reviewing and ensures returns she touches are in excellent condition. When she's in Indonesia, she and her husband Mike are on staff with one of the largest churches in Jakarta!

Nolan Barrick

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Nolan is based in Newark, DE, and prepares taxes for Wacek and Associates. Nolan joined our team after a distinguished career at Dupont. If you need any statistics about the Philadelphia Phillies, this fanatic is your guy!

Rick Wacek

Job Titles:
  • Senior Partner
Rick is based in Richmond, VA but often travels around the world visiting family, friends, team members, and clients. He is passionate about saving clients time and is committed to ensuring every dollar of tax savings is received by our clients. There is a 100% you'll hear his laugh if you are fortunate enough to be on a call with him.

Sierra Horstmeier

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Sierra is based in Jakarta, Indonesia, and prepares taxes for Wacek and Associates. After working for PricewaterhouseCoopers for 3 years, Sierra and her husband, Samuel, moved to Jakarta to work for the State Department. Hailing from Louisiana, Sierra is an avid Saints fan. She doesn't let the time difference of living in Jakarta stop her from missing a game on TV.

Stephanie Privott

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Stephanie is based in Raleigh, NC, and serves primarily as the billing manager, although she plugs into different roles when needed. Stephanie is a full-time teacher and is the daughter of Rick and Kathy!

Stephanie Schliesmann

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Stephanie is based in Beloit, WI, and serves in several administrative capacities. Wacek and Associates' tax preparation service starts and ends with Stephanie, as she oversees data gathering at the beginning and filing at the end. Stephanie's favorite color is orange!

Steven Cain

Job Titles:
  • Partner
Steven is based in Dallas, TX, and prepares taxes for Wacek and Associates. After multiple years in Audit, Steven joined W&A full-time. When Steven isn't preparing excellent returns, he's most likely hanging with his family and making his daughter, DJ, laugh!

Tammy Stalcup

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Tammy is based in Lynchburg, VA, and serves in several administrative capacities. Whether it is system management, Foreign Bank Account Reports, refund tracking, or tax agency correspondence, Tammy methodically and excellently keeps Wacek and Associates moving forward. Fun fact: if you're looking for home improvement advice, Tammy and her husband have spent their married life rehabbing houses as a side hobby.

Tori Van Brunt

Job Titles:
  • Tax Preparation Specialist
Tori is based near Salt Lake City, UT, and prepares taxes for Wacek and Associates. After working in internal audit for a couple of years, Tori became a stay-at-home mom. She currently homeschools her two girls and is an aspiring birder, poet, and Spanish-speaker.