Updated 1 day ago
1041 Pat Roberts Hall 1900 Denison Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66506-7600
The BRI is a unique facility that provides research, education, and training space to support animal disease scientists, food safety researchers, plant pathologists, entomologists, and those studying the basic molecular biology of high-consequence animal, human, and plant pathogens. The BRI has a broader research and training focus that most other containment laboratories...
The BRI played a critical role in the selection of Manhattan as the site for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. Research, education, and training at the BRI are closely aligned with NBAF needs and priorities...
BRI's mission is to lead through research and education to protect agriculture and the public from biological threats. This mission supports the vision of attaining international recognition and respect for BRI as a leader in research and education on high-consequence pathogens.
Also known as: Kansas State University
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