2024-04-06 delete otherexecutives JOSH ERNST
2024-04-06 insert otherexecutives ROB VOSLER
2024-04-06 delete email je..@harborlight.org
2024-04-06 delete person JOSH ERNST
2024-04-06 insert person ROB VOSLER
2023-10-16 delete email mr..@harborlight.org
2023-10-16 delete person MARLA REDMAN
2023-10-16 insert email mj..@harborlight.org
2023-10-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain olinesports.com
2023-10-16 insert person MEGAN JOHNSON
2023-08-13 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2023-08-13 insert directions_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2023-08-13 insert email jg..@harborlight.org
2023-08-13 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2023-08-13 insert management_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2023-08-13 insert person JESSICA GOOD
2023-06-19 update person_description Jennie Cope => JENNIE COPE
2023-06-19 update person_description Katherine Johnson => KATHERINE JOHNSON
2023-06-19 update person_description Marla Redman => MARLA REDMAN
2023-06-19 update person_title HEATHER STANDISH: Administrative Assistant => Volunteer Coordinator
2023-06-19 update person_title KATHERINE JOHNSON: Head of Elementary Instruction & Reading Specialist => Elementary Principal / Reading Specialist
2022-10-30 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2022-10-30 delete directions_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2022-10-30 delete index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2022-10-30 delete management_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2022-10-30 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain issuu.com
2022-10-30 insert directions_pages_linkeddomain issuu.com
2022-10-30 insert index_pages_linkeddomain issuu.com
2022-10-30 insert management_pages_linkeddomain issuu.com
2022-09-07 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain praxischool.com
2022-09-07 delete directions_pages_linkeddomain praxischool.com
2022-09-07 delete index_pages_linkeddomain praxischool.com
2022-09-07 delete management_pages_linkeddomain praxischool.com
2022-09-07 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain renweb.com
2022-09-07 insert directions_pages_linkeddomain renweb.com
2022-09-07 insert email hs..@harborlight.org
2022-09-07 insert index_pages_linkeddomain renweb.com
2022-09-07 insert management_pages_linkeddomain renweb.com
2022-09-07 insert person Heather Standish
2022-07-03 delete otherexecutives Shelda Blair
2022-07-03 insert otherexecutives Josh Ernst
2022-07-03 delete email sb..@harborlight.org
2022-07-03 delete person Shelda Blair
2022-07-03 delete phone 231-347-7859 ext. 11
2022-07-03 insert email je..@harborlight.org
2022-07-03 insert email kj..@harborlight.org
2022-07-03 insert person Josh Ernst
2022-07-03 insert person Katherine Johnson
2022-07-03 update person_title Lisa Beckman: Administrative Assistant => Office Manager
2022-03-30 insert email sc..@harborlight.org
2022-03-30 insert person Stephanie Cope
2021-12-03 delete email lb..@harborlight.org
2021-12-03 delete email ro..@harborlight.org
2021-12-03 delete person Rachael Oostmeyer
2021-12-03 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2021-12-03 insert directions_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2021-12-03 insert index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2021-12-03 insert management_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2021-12-03 update person_title Erin Barnes: Director of Student Affairs => Guidance Counselor
2021-12-03 update person_title Lisa Beckman: Office Manager; Administrative Assistant => Administrative Assistant
2021-09-04 update person_description Jennie Cope => Jennie Cope
2021-07-27 delete email mj..@harborlight.org
2021-07-27 insert email jc..@harborlight.org
2021-07-27 insert person Jennie Cope
2021-07-27 update person_title Rachael Oostmeyer: null => Assistant Director of Mission Advancement
2021-06-23 delete index_pages_linkeddomain forms.gle
2021-04-24 insert index_pages_linkeddomain forms.gle
2021-02-01 delete email rs..@harborlight.org
2021-02-01 delete person Rachel Sanford
2021-02-01 insert email ro..@harborlight.org
2021-02-01 insert person Rachael Oostmeyer
2020-10-11 delete email sg..@harborlight.org
2020-10-11 delete person Sarah Giffin
2020-10-11 insert email mj..@harborlight.org
2020-10-11 insert email rs..@harborlight.org
2020-10-11 insert person Rachel Sanford
2020-10-11 update person_title Erin Barnes: International Coordinator & Development => Director of Student Affairs
2020-07-27 delete email pw..@harborlight.org
2020-07-27 delete person Pat Wendt
2020-07-27 update person_title Erin Barnes: Marketing and Development => International Coordinator & Development
2019-11-13 delete email hs..@harborlight.org
2019-11-13 delete email sa..@harborlight.org
2019-11-13 delete person Heather Standish
2019-11-13 insert email lb..@harborlight.org
2019-11-13 insert email pw..@harborlight.org
2019-11-13 insert email sg..@harborlight.org
2019-11-13 insert person Pat Wendt
2019-11-13 insert person Sarah Giffin
2019-11-13 update person_title Marla Redman: Counseling Supervisor => Student Support Counselor
2019-09-13 delete email rc..@harborlight.org
2019-09-13 delete person Ryan Coxon
2019-09-13 delete phone 231-347-7859 ext. 28
2019-09-13 update person_title Kelly Dutcher: Administration & Office; Head Administrator / Superintendent => School Administrator; Administration & Office; Head Administrator / Superintendent
2019-08-14 delete email fc..@harborlight.org
2019-08-14 delete person Florence Cleary
2019-07-11 delete email ad..@harborlight.org
2019-07-11 delete email cy..@harborlight.org
2019-07-11 delete email jc..@harborlight.org
2019-07-11 delete email kk..@harborlight.org
2019-07-11 delete person Ann Duran
2019-07-11 delete person Chantelle You
2019-07-11 insert email kd..@harborlight.org
2019-07-11 insert person Kelly Dutcher
2019-07-11 update person_title Ryan Coxon: School Administrator; Administration & Office; Head Administrator / Superintendent => School Administrator
2019-02-22 delete email pw..@harborlight.org
2019-02-22 insert email ad..@harborlight.org
2019-02-22 insert email cy..@harborlight.org
2019-02-22 insert email sa..@harborlight.org
2019-02-22 insert person Ann Duran
2019-02-22 insert person Chantelle You
2018-12-14 delete email da..@harborlight.org
2018-12-14 delete email ed..@harborlight.org
2018-12-14 delete email mw..@harborlight.org
2018-12-14 delete email so..@harborlight.org
2018-12-14 delete person Elsa Doornbos
2018-12-14 delete person Michelle Walker
2018-12-14 delete person Patricia Wendt
2018-12-14 delete person Sue Ortlieb
2018-12-14 delete phone 231-347-7859 ext. 25
2018-12-14 insert email da..@harborlight.org
2018-12-14 update person_title Donna Powers: null => Drama / Yearbook / Student Council
2018-12-14 update person_title Jennifer Coxon: Marketing and Development => null
2018-12-14 update person_title Marla Redman: Guidance Counselor; Assistant => Counseling Supervisor
2018-03-02 update person_description Becky Fettig => Becky Fettig
2017-11-04 delete otherexecutives Donna Powers
2017-11-04 delete otherexecutives Shelda Blaire
2017-11-04 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain alphageekwebdesign.com
2017-11-04 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain planbook.com
2017-11-04 delete email am..@gmail.com
2017-11-04 delete email ht..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 delete index_pages_linkeddomain alphageekwebdesign.com
2017-11-04 delete index_pages_linkeddomain planbook.com
2017-11-04 delete management_pages_linkeddomain alphageekwebdesign.com
2017-11-04 delete management_pages_linkeddomain planbook.com
2017-11-04 delete person Amy Cross
2017-11-04 delete person Hope Turner
2017-11-04 delete person Shelda Blaire
2017-11-04 insert email cg..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email dl..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email eb..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email ed..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email fc..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email hs..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email jc..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email je..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email mr..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email rg..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email sd..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email se..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email vu..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert email zp..@harborlight.org
2017-11-04 insert person Christe Gwilt
2017-11-04 insert person Elsa Doornbos
2017-11-04 insert person Erin Barnes
2017-11-04 insert person Florence Cleary
2017-11-04 insert person Heather Standish
2017-11-04 insert person Jennifer Coxon
2017-11-04 insert person Josh Ernst
2017-11-04 update person_description Marla Redman => Marla Redman
2017-11-04 update person_title Donna Powers: Director of Development => null
2017-11-04 update person_title Ryan Coxon: School Administrator; Administrator; Administration => School Administrator; Head Administrator / Superintendent; Administration & Office
2017-01-30 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain dropboxusercontent.com
2017-01-30 delete index_pages_linkeddomain dropboxusercontent.com
2017-01-30 delete management_pages_linkeddomain dropboxusercontent.com
2017-01-30 delete source_ip
2017-01-30 insert source_ip
2016-09-21 delete email ac..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 delete email ed..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 delete email gk..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 delete email gu..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 delete email ja..@charter.net
2016-09-21 delete email kj..@att.net
2016-09-21 delete email kl..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 delete email ma..@hotmail.com
2016-09-21 delete person Elsa Doornbos
2016-09-21 delete person Gary Urman
2016-09-21 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain praxischool.com
2016-09-21 insert email bf..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 insert email ht..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 insert email jk..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 insert email jp..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 insert email kj..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 insert email rc..@harborlight.org
2016-09-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain praxischool.com
2016-09-21 insert management_pages_linkeddomain praxischool.com
2016-09-21 insert person Becky Fettig
2016-09-21 insert person Hope Turner
2016-09-21 insert person Ryan Coxon
2016-04-04 insert otherexecutives Donna Powers
2016-04-04 delete email dl..@harborlight.org
2016-04-04 delete email gs..@harborlight.org
2016-04-04 delete email lg..@harborlight.org
2016-04-04 delete email vu..@harborlight.org
2016-04-04 delete person Vicki Urman
2016-04-04 insert email de..@harborlight.org
2016-04-04 update person_title Donna Powers: Co - Director of Development => Director of Development
2016-02-15 delete person Gerry Sciacca
2016-02-15 insert email dl..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 delete email mb..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 delete person Kathy James
2015-09-18 delete person Linda Grosskopfit
2015-09-18 delete person Mary Boor
2015-09-18 insert email ac..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert email am..@gmail.com
2015-09-18 insert email ed..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert email em..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert email gk..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert email gk..@ncmich.edu
2015-09-18 insert email gs..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert email mr..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert email so..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert email vu..@harborlight.org
2015-09-18 insert person Amy Cross
2015-09-18 insert person Elsa Doornbos
2015-09-18 insert person Lisa Beckman
2015-09-18 insert person Marla Redman
2015-09-18 update person_title Donna Powers: Assistant to the Director of Development => Co - Director of Development
2014-10-13 insert otherexecutives Shelda Blaire
2014-10-13 delete email ch..@harborlight.org
2014-10-13 delete email hh..@harborlight.org
2014-10-13 delete email sc..@foundationsforfamilies.org
2014-10-13 delete person Linda Grosskopf
2014-10-13 delete person Scott Hickman
2014-10-13 insert email kl..@harborlight.org
2014-10-13 insert person Linda Grosskopfit
2014-10-13 insert person Shelda Blaire
2014-09-04 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain planbook.com
2014-09-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain planbook.com
2014-09-04 insert management_pages_linkeddomain planbook.com
2014-04-10 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain dropboxusercontent.com
2014-04-10 insert index_pages_linkeddomain dropboxusercontent.com
2014-04-10 insert management_pages_linkeddomain dropboxusercontent.com
2014-02-02 delete email sh..@harborlight.org
2014-02-02 delete person Suzi Hogard
2014-02-02 insert email dp..@harborlight.org
2014-02-02 insert person Donna Powers
2013-12-05 delete email je..@sbcglobal.net
2013-12-05 delete email mr..@harborlight.org
2013-12-05 delete email tw..@hotmail.com