Updated 30 days ago
330 First Street SE, Suite A Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 USA
LawyersListings is operated by LAWCHEK®, which is owned by enlighten technologies incorporated™. LawyersListings provides a FREE listing service to all sole practitioners and law firms desiring a FREE Internet presence, which includes firm name, address, city, state, and zip code. In addition, LawyersListings provides the general public with a simple yet comprehensive research tool with which to locate a lawyer. LAWCHEK® is a legal research entity and is responsible for the conception and realization of LawyersListings. The decision was made to incorporate LawyersListings' FREE services within the legal products and services LAWCHEK® already offered via the Internet. enlighten™ is a consulting and networking company that provides videoconferencing solutions to all members of the legal community and beyond. enlighten™ acquired LAWCHEK® through a business acquisition in order to offer its' client base an array of legal products and services as a supplement to its' videoconferencing..
Also known as: lawyers