Updated 40 days ago
The Capen family members involved in the art business are my father, Phil Capen, an artist; myself Dave Capen; and my brother Jim Capen. Phil Capen is well known throughout Florida for his watercolors of Florida landscapes and Bahamas Out Islands. My wife, Linda, and I for seven years owned Capen Gallery in Miami, Florida which holds one-man shows for Phil, does custom framing, and handles retail sales of prints and originals. Jim handles publishing and distribution of prints through Capen Art, Inc. in Gainesville, Florida. Since 1979 we have published over 70 limited edition offset lithographs and several Iris Giclées of Phil's work. Of these 70 images, in editions of 1000, about half are completely sold out. Since 1998, when we first began publishing Giclées we have released over 30 new images as Giclées. Lighthouse Giclees is now printing over five hundred different images by about fifty artists... As you can imagine, the capital expense, storage, and logistical problems of keeping..