PATTU - Key Persons

Cem Kozar - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Born in Thrace and raised in Belgium, Cem received his formal education as an architect in Istanbul. He is mostly working on idea and content development, and space/interaction design. He is fascinated by the contemporary city, its dynamics, its history and its culture, this made him a collector of information, stories and archives. Cem is a frequent lecturer, workshop tutor or speaker in various universities, institutions and events.

Enes Özden

Job Titles:
  • Architect / Yıldız Technical University

Işıl Ünal

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder / Landscape Architect, IU / Graphic Designer
Born in Istanbul. She has worked with various landscape architecture offices during and after finishing her studies and has been a part of various urban and landscape design projects in Turkey. After she founded PATTU together with Cem in 2009, she started working on graphic and exhibition design projects.

Naz Uğurlu

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer / Sabancı University

Serra Uludağ

Job Titles:
  • Interior Architect / Bilgi University