TUCSON GRILL CLEANING - History of Changes

2023-05-27 delete source_ip
2023-05-27 insert address 7651 S Falster Ave Tucson, AZ 85747
2023-05-27 insert index_pages_linkeddomain craftwebx.com
2023-05-27 insert phone (520) 245-7967
2023-05-27 insert source_ip
2023-05-27 update primary_contact null => 7651 S Falster Ave Tucson, AZ 85747
2023-05-27 update robots_txt_status tucsongrillcleaning.com: 404 => 200
2023-05-27 update robots_txt_status www.tucsongrillcleaning.com: 404 => 200
2020-08-02 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound
2019-03-26 insert person Karen Logay
2018-12-12 delete person Shawn Lanum
2018-12-12 delete source_ip
2018-12-12 insert person Ron Insalaco
2018-12-12 insert source_ip
2017-09-02 delete person Joe Beaton
2016-06-11 update person_title Joe Beaton: COO / Ron Insalaco => COO / Shawn Lanum
2015-04-12 update person_description Joe Beaton => Joe Beaton
2015-03-15 insert person Joe Beaton
2015-03-15 update person_title Ron Beaton: Proprietor, Tucsonan for Decades, Fan of Food => Proprietor
2015-02-15 delete about_pages_linkeddomain onthemenulive.com
2015-02-15 delete index_pages_linkeddomain htmlegg.com
2015-02-15 update person_description Ron Beaton => Ron Beaton
2014-08-12 insert about_pages_linkeddomain onthemenulive.com
2014-08-12 update person_description Ron Beaton => Ron Beaton
2014-04-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-04-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-04-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-04-22 delete service_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-03-20 insert about_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-03-20 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-03-20 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain yelp.com
2014-03-20 insert index_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-03-20 insert service_pages_linkeddomain appointy.com
2014-03-20 update person_description Ron Beaton => Ron Beaton
2014-03-20 update person_title Ron Beaton: Proprietor => Proprietor / Tucsonan for Decades / Fan of Food Network / Sabino Canyon Hiker
2014-01-29 update person_description Ron Beaton => Ron Beaton