Daniele Venturini

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Junior Partner
Daniele Venturini was born in Genoa on January the 17th 1987. He attended Law School at the "University of Genoa", where he graduated discussing a thesis entitled "The Protection of the Crime Victim in the European Union Law". Thanks to the Erasmus - Program he attended the "University of Malta" for 5 months, mainly dealing with European Union Law. He took part to the Post-Graduate Legal School - Scuola Forense "Mauro De Andrè" in Genoa (two years course 2013/2014). He attended a Master in "Corporate Criminal Law" at "Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore" in Milan, discussing a thesis focused on the "Environmental Crimes" introduced in the Italian Criminal Code in 2015. In March 2021 he completed a Master in "The new privacy professionals DPO (Data Protection Officer): The person in charge of protection of personal data and the privacy specialists" with the thesis "Administrative sanctions and crimes after the GDPR. The Importance of Compliance". He speaks fluent English and has achieved different certifications of the "London Trinity College", has attended an intensive English course at the "Malta University Language School" and a "Legal English Course" at the "Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore" in Milan. On December 2012 he entered Conte & Giacomini Law Firm dealing with: criminal law; corporate criminal law; bankruptcy criminal law; environmental law; the administrative liability of entities introduced by Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Emanuela Ras

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Junior Partner

Erica Roncallo

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Junior Partner

Giulia Talamazzi

Job Titles:
  • Junior Partner

Manuela Giacomini

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Junior Partner
Manuela Giacomini was born in Genoa in March 26th, 1987. She graduated in Law on March 2013 at the University of Law in Genoa discussing a thesis entitled "Free movement and family reunification for the Third Country nationals in the light of the judgment Dereci November 15th, 2011". In the period from April to June 2013, she attended the course "Intensive Academic English" at the University of California in San Diego. In 2015 she attended the Advanced Course in Food Legislation at the University of Eastern Piedmont. On April 2018, she gave a lecture at the Monash University of Law in Melbourne about "The evolution of the Animals' Rights under European Law". Since September 2013, she started her professional career with Conte & Giacomini Avvocati law firm in Genoa, where she operates mainly in the field of: Criminal law; EU law, with particular attention to: animal law; food law; violations of the ECHR. She is particularly skilled within the field of Animal Rights Law, which allowed and allows her to work for and with Italian and International Animals Welfare at an European level. She has indeed presented formal complaints before the European Commission and the European Parliament, for instance concerning the mishandling of EU CAP funds in Spain, which indirectly and illegally fuelled the Corrida system. She also took, and she is taking care, of cases concerning the violation of the Regulation EC No 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations, in order to reaffirm the principle of Article 13 TFEU, according to which animals are "sentient beings".

Silvia Bossi

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Junior Partner

Simone Tiraoro

Job Titles:
  • Junior Partner

Tomaso Romanengo

Job Titles:
  • Junior Partner