Albert Lam

Job Titles:
  • Connections Coordinator

Calvin Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Pastor Calvin was called to ministry in his teens. He has been preaching the gospel for over 25 years, and has served as interim pastor for numerous churches of all backgrounds throughout the Chicago land area, while serving as National Underwriting Director of Moody Radio. Pastor Calvin served as interim pastor at Cornerstone for two years before receiving the call to senior pastor. An effective communicator and lover of Christ, pastor teaches and preaches the word of God always with the goal of drawing others into closer proximity to the Savior which results in life transformation. He has a heart for the city, a love for the children of God, and a passion to introduce and reintroduce all people to Jesus Christ our Lord!

Ed Lai

Job Titles:
  • Secretary and Prayer Ministry Leader

Eric Burpee

Job Titles:
  • Men 's Ministry Leader

Hans Hong - Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Treasurer
Hans Hong has been in various church and Christian fellowship leadership roles for the past 10 years guiding and coaching those that he works with to greater effectiveness in the church body. He started working and leading the student body through InterVarsity (IV) at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, organizing and leading worship in their weekly large group meetings. Since then he has led worship ministries where he has been a church member, and volunteering his time at IV and other church young adult events to minister to the next generation of Christians. He is an engineer at heart, and currently works as a special projects manager. Hans enjoys volleyball, anything involving the great outdoors, and skiing.

Jennifer Burpee

Job Titles:
  • Children 's Ministry Leader

Laura Straw

Job Titles:
  • Worship Arts Ministry Leader

Michael Set

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Home People Elder

Sarah Coleman

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Treasurer

Steve Li

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Home People Elder
Steve Li heads the Missions and Outreach Ministry and teaches adult Sunday School. He has floated around the church till age 25 before receiving a conviction to follow Christ in 2003. Since then, he has been leading various youth, discipleship, and young adult ministries within his church, as well as serving on the board of Urban Christian Academy, an inner city non-profit serving under-privileged youth in Bridgeport. At home, he enjoys spending time with his wife Shirley, and joint home-schooling their four kids Ethan, Noah, Bethany, and Karen. Having an adopted child, they are very involved in the international adoption community. Currently, Steve is working toward a Colson Fellowship and is employed as a network engineer in downtown Chicago.