Mark Breutzmann

Job Titles:
  • Music Director
I've been the Music Director of Emauel Church since July 1991. I wear many hats here, including organist, senior choir director, and youth choir director. Overall, I tend to all the music programs. When I'm not at church working with music, I chase several interests. I love studying anthropology, archaeology, and astronomy. I'm fascinated by nature, whether it be gardening and plants or meteorology. And how can I not mention my love for cats and dogs? I love Emanuel Church because they are a friendly and diverse group of people who appreciate all types of music, which brings us closer to experiencing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Realm of God.

Rev. Josh Simon

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
I was born and raised in Wisconsin, just outside Seymour (home of the hamburger!). I fell in love with the United Church of Christ in college. I was looking for a denomination that affirmed and celebrated LGBTQ+ people. In fact, when I joined the UCC it was the only denomination to do so on a national level. I was also looking for a denomination with social and economic justice at its heart. My ministry revolves around the two commandments Jesus emphasized: love God; love your neighbor as yourself. I hope I can help Emanuel Church extend that loving welcome to all.