Bob Bailey

Job Titles:
  • Men 's Ministry Director

Chris Smith

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Chris dearly loves Good Shepherd, and seeks to bring unity and wholeness there on a daily basis. He strives to seek out the lost and bring them into the fold of our body by shining the light of Jesus brightly. Chris is proud of the courageous direction of Good Shepherd, believing that we are following Jesus' plan for His church, not our own. Watch this video interview of Chris and find out why he believes reading the Bible is so important: watch the VIDEO here

Claudio Grandjean

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Claudio serves both Good Shepherd and our surrounding community, because he recognizes the impact that Jesus has in people's lives both in and out of the church. He is an excellent example of what it means to be ambassador for Christ, calling people to come and experience Jesus through being like Him. Claudio prayerfully hopes that God continues to gently lead the church through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Daniel Carnahan

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Kids Ministry Pastor
Daniel loves being a part of a team that is all about helping kids and families love God! He believes there is nothing better than teaching the youngest generation about our incredible God! Daniel has been leading the Kid's Ministry for 6 years and has really enjoyed connecting with kids and parents. In His free time, he likes to eat and cook good food, spend time with his family playing board games, play sports, and go hiking!

Debbie Booth

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • School Principal
Debbie is passionate about creating a space where kids feel accepted and known. Her desire is that they will see, feel, and know they are loved by Jesus while they are here in our care at the school. For the past 16 years, Debbie has always strived to bring excellent teaching, connection, and growth to kids and parents through Good Shepherd School. She also enjoys being with family and friends, kayaking, water skiing, and boating!

Denny Lawrence

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Denny is a faithful servant of Jesus, who loves to see His body work together to make visible His character and love. He is passionate about serving Good Shepherd because he has seen how people's lives have been changed by Jesus here, including his own family who have been given a deep desire to give back and serve the church.

Greg Cahalan

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Lead Team Pastor
Greg has been an integral part of Good Shepherd for the past 6 years, bringing strong, biblical teaching and guidance to the entire body. Greg is a dynamic and passionate teacher whose goal is to always bring people closer to Jesus through their interactions with His word. In every conversation with Greg, you will come away feeling cared for and given new perspective from God's word. When Greg is not at church, he enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with his family!

Jenny Ivester

Job Titles:
  • Student Ministry Director

Josh Putnam

Job Titles:
  • Worship Pastor
Josh loves God and has a passion for reaching people through music. When Josh isn't leading worship, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing basketball and gardening.

Keith Smith

Job Titles:
  • Young Adults Director
Keith is passionate about seeing young adults grow in their relationship with God, helping them learn to create and maintain healthy relationships and community with one another, plugging them into the life of the church, and empowering them to share the love of Jesus with the world. He loves to spend time with his wife, Heidi, going on as many outdoor adventures as possible! You can probably find him at every coffee shop across Gresham, hiking and doing photography, or rock climbing.

Kress Drew

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Kress has been serving Good Shepherd as an elder since 2013, and consistently expresses his love for our church. He is especially enthusiastic about the strong preaching of God's Word, sharing His love with those who do not know Him here and around the world, and joining Jesus in the great work He is doing in and through us all. Kress really enjoys seeing God's creativity in creation by spending time outdoors hiking, jogging, or biking as well as spending time with his loved ones!

Kristi Knott

Job Titles:
  • Discipleship and Groups Associate

Mike Fitz

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Mike really cares about Good Shepherd, as a place where people can come to know and experience God intimately and grow together as His children. He is passionate about bringing people into oneness with one another to carry out the mission of the church. Mike loves that Good Shepherd is a place that pushes people to live in communities committed to pursuing Christ together.

Paul Norquist

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Care Pastor
Paul has been attending Good Shepherd since its beginning, and has been living out Jesus' call in His life to be on staff since 1985. Throughout the years, he has been involved in the life of the church in several different ways. Paul absolutely loves music and how it is used to worship God and lead people into relationship with Him, being able to visit people who are in the hospital or are in need, and watch God work in the lives of people around him. He always brings a sense of care and affection into every interaction that he has with others. In his free time, Paul really enjoys spending time with his family in whatever way he can!

Peri Layton

Job Titles:
  • Women 's Ministry Director
Peri has committed her life to seeing the women of Good Shepherd come to know Jesus in a very special way, experiencing Him through studying the Bible and seeing His character at work within their community. Peri has faithfully served at Good Shepherd for 24 years. In her free time, she enjoys reading, quilting, and talking with her husband!

Peter Hibbs

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Lead Team Pastor
Peter has a huge heart for reaching out to our local community and the world! His passion is to see people who are far from Christ come close to Him and His people. Prior to joining our staff, Peter and his family served with Cru for more than 15 years, living in Lithuania, Australia and the US while serving all over the globe. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, hunting, traveling, and reading!

Ryan Weber

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Ryan has been a part of Good Shepherd for many years, and is excited about the opportunity that Good Shepherd has to grow more and more into the likeness of Christ as His body. He is passionate about the body being rooted and grounded in love, so that we may recognize the deep love of Christ. Ryan loves the image of he and his church family bringing hammers, nails, dreams, desires, and plans to obey Christ as Good Shepherd builds His church.

Steve Bass

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Steve has been an essential component of the elder team for two decades, serving diligently to care for and build the community of Good Shepherd. He is extremely excited about working together with a great group of elders and staff, seeing how much they love Jesus and want to share that with others in our church, or local community, and globally. Steve enjoys hunting, fishing, and spending time with his kids and grandkids!

Steve Keels

Job Titles:
  • Elder
Steve has been a part of the Good Shepherd family for over 40 years, serving faithfully in many different capacities. He is extremely passionate about seeing people in our church family come together as one, be intimately involved in the lives of others, in order to build up the body of Christ. This can be seen very evidently through how he teaches the body. Some things that Steve really loves to do in his free time are bicycling, reading, and, most importantly, spending time with his family!

Tanya Atkins

Job Titles:
  • Accounting Director
  • Elder
Tanya is a staple of the Good Shepherd staff team, and has been so for over three decades! She loves to serve alongside her church family and be a part of the good things that God is doing at Good Shepherd to spread the love of Jesus. Tanya enjoys spending time with her grandkids, reading, hiking, and RV camping!

Todd Lindley

Job Titles:
  • Connect Ministry Director
tOdd's heart is in striving to edify the Body of Christ - His Church - by joining opportunity and movement together. His desire is that each person who is part of His Body would connect to the reality that we are stronger together than we are alone. Prior to joining our staff, tOdd worked at Christian Supply bookstores for 9 years and more recently, he and his family served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for nearly a decade in Papua New Guinea. His wife, Cathy, still works remotely for Wycliffe USA (14 years total). In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, listening to music, talking and watching sports and film, and not reading.

Young Adults

Job Titles:
  • Young Adults Director

Zee Farrouge - CCO

Job Titles:
  • Communications Director
Zee is an audio/video virtuoso, providing Good Shepherd with the ability to communicate Jesus' love with our church body and the world through technology. Zee is passionate about telling stories that point to Jesus in creative ways, allowing people to share in others' experiences of Him. When Zee has free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar or drums, or reading!