Ben Soffel

Job Titles:
  • Associate Pastor
Today in week 12 of our Jesus is… series, we'll delve into the concluding events leading to Jesus' death. Our message "Hosanna: The One Who Saves" will be guided by Pastor Ben as we examine John 18-19. Join us in reflecting on how Jesus illuminates God's character through the culmination of His earthly ministry. There's no denying that the current state of our world is often dark. Yet, we know that "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5)." In the midst of a dark world, we need light. Today we continue with Part 4 of our "Jesus Is…" series with Pastor Ben exploring the meaning of Jesus' second "I Am" statement: "I am the light of the world" from John 8:12-20. Today we continue with Part 6 in our series "The Glory of the Gospel" as Pastor Ben teaches from Romans 6. In this passage the Apostle Paul interrupts his explanation of the Gospel to address two practical questions of faith. Today's message "When Death Becomes Life" will help us understand what it means to truly live in new life and freedom in Christ. The Promised Land has been conquered, and Joshua is tasked with distributing the land to the Israelite people. After years of wandering and fighting, this land of promise is theirs, …but are they ready to take it? And will they remember the One who gave it to them? Pastor Ben will take us to Joshua 17-18 to explore the topics of discontentment and complacency in his message "Living in the Fullness of God, Part 9 in our Strong & Courageous… Today Ben Soffel leads us through a study of Daniel 5 for this week's Daniel Dare: Speak Truth in part 7 of the I Dare You series. We'll learn from Daniel's example as he faced another challenge in living a godly life as an exile in a pagan country. We'll also celebrate with the Soffel's as they dedicate their son Micah (11 am) and as we present Ben with his License for Ministry. When we were all strangers, God extended His grace to welcome us as members of his family. In today's message "From Strangers to Family," Pastor Ben brings us encouragement to extend that same grace to others as we struggle against the pressure of living up to our culture's idealized standard of the perfect family in Part 4 of our Family Baggage series. In Luke 14, Jesus tells the Parable of the Great Banquet. The table is set and the party is ready to go, but will the invited guests accept their invitations? In his message "Come, The Banquet Is Ready!" Pastor Ben explores Jesus's reason for telling this parable and helps us consider our place in the story in part 9 of our series, "Jesus Stories with Luke." Pastor Ben is passionate about mentoring and discipling young people by walking alongside them in their relationship with Jesus as he leads the Outbound Youth and Young Adult programs at Hillcrest.

Dan Soderberg

Job Titles:
  • Associate Pastor
What would your parting words be? What would you want to tell your closest family and friends as you approach the end of your life? Today as we turn to John 14 we hear what Jesus said to his closest friends and wants to tell us in today's message "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" from Pastor Dan, part 7 in the "Jesus Is…" series. Today begins our Christmas series Illuminate in which we will delve into the first chapter of John exploring the incarnate Word who came into our world's darkness to bring us light and life. Pastor Dan guides us today helping us to find a deeper connection with Jesus as we invite his light into every area of our life in his message "The Spotless & Infinite Became Dirty & Finite," from John 1:1-5. We've all heard of fish stories-the tales of the whopper that got away. Today in Pastor Dan's message "A Fish Story" from Luke 5:1-11 we'll take a closer look at how a miraculous catch changed Simon's life, and we'll find application to our lives today as we continue with part 3 in our series Jesus Stories with Luke. Whenever the shepherds enter the stage at children's Christmas programs, cameras capture their cute faces and everyone listens intently as they recite their lines. But in the first century, nobody thought shepherds were cute or worth listening to. Today Pastor Dan guides us in discovering truth about these characters of Christmas in Part 3 of our series. This Sunday in Part 5 of Lies We Believe, Pastor Dan takes us to the familiar parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Have we, like that expert in this passage, fallen into believing "The LIE That Really Impacts One's Heart"? Life in today's culture is messy…and life in the Bible was messy, too. Today Pastor Dan continues our family series "It's Complicated" with Part 2 "Welcome to My Messy Home." We'll continue to learn timeless lessons from the life of Joseph as we study Genesis 37:3-36. Today we conclude our study of Matthew's biography of Jesus with Kingdom Living Here and Now Part 14. Pastor Dan focuses on Jesus' final words to his followers in Matthew 28:16-20 in his message "The Ultimate Church Vision Campaign." Today we continue to celebrate "A King is Born" as we prepare to enter a new year. Pastor Dan's message "Merry Christmas during an Unmerry Time" takes us through Matthew 2:13-23. Pastor Dan's passion for developing and equipping leaders is a perfect fit for leading our Growth Group ministry, and he brings love and compassion for the aging and ill as he leads our visitation team by example. He serves part-time as Pastor of Groups and Visitation.

Jeff Johnson

Job Titles:
  • Today Pastor Jeff Continues the Series "7 Words to Change Your Family" Focusing on Truth and How God 's Word Can Transform a Family
As we continue our study of the Unstoppable movement of God in the book of Acts, today in part 8, guest speaker Jon Meyer takes us to chapter 10 to examine a pivotal moment in church history with lessons that still impact our lives and world today. Pastor Jeff will lead us in observing communion. Have your Bibles open to Acts 4:32-5:11 today as we continue our Unstoppable series. Today Pastor Jeff brings part 4 "Unstoppable Churches" and we'll learn what is behind the success of Unstoppable Churches. As is our tradition on the 1st Sunday of each month, we will observe communion. Have your Bibles open to Matthew 16 for Part 7 of Kingdom Living Here and Now. Pastor Jeff will walk us through Jesus' interactions with religious leaders who opposed him and with his close followers as we learn "Kingdom Living Principles" that Jesus teaches. Thank you for joining us on Valentine's Day as we celebrate love for our Savior in our worship. Pastor Jeff continues the series Kingdom Living Here and Now with a challenge for us to follow Jesus' example in Matthew 9:35-10:23 in Part 6 "The Disciples' Do's and Don'ts." Prayer is an essential part of Kingdom Living. Today Pastor Jeff and Kim guide our study of "The Lord's Prayer" in Matthew 6:1-15 with practical instruction on how to pray. Welcome to Hillcrest. As we continue our Real Church series in 1 Corinthians, today we focus on "Order in the House," a look at how we worship, as Pastor Jeff leads us through 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Welcome to worship at Hillcrest. Join us in worshipping our Lord and celebrating his love. Pastor Jeff continues our Real Church series with a Biblical perspective on freedom and liberty from 1 Corinthians 8 & 10. Is your light dull, dim, soft white, bright white, daylight? Like light bulbs the intensity of our light in the world can vary. Today Pastor Jeff continues the Real Church series with "The Wrong Way to Right Wrongs" from 1 Corinthians 5-6, and we'll learn how to brighten the light of Hillcrest in our community. Today's word is Commitment in our 7 Words to Change Your Family series. Pastor Jeff delivers the message "Created for Commitment." Today Pastor Jeff continues the series "7 Words to Change Your Family" focusing on Truth and how God's Word can transform a family. Today Pastor Jeff brings the message "The King Who Suffers" from Mark 14:43-15:45, part 14 in the Servant King series.

Jim Quattrone

Job Titles:
  • Trust God
Do you know someone with amazing faith in God? Why do some have amazing faith and others do not? As Jim Quattrone shares part 7 in our "Jesus Stories with Luke" today, we will journey back to the ancient city of Capernaum for an inspiring account of amazing faith that had a miraculous result. We'll gain new insights and encouragement for growing our faith in Jesus in the message "Amazing Faith." Is what you believe about the Bible true? How do you know? This Sunday in Part 2 of "Lies We Believe" Jim Quattrone will guide us in debunking myths about the Bible as we build a firm foundation for our faith. Is there a fiery furnace in heating things up in your life? Our I Dare You series from the book of Daniel continues today as Jim Quattrone focuses on Daniel 3:19-30 and this week's Daniel Dare: Trust God. We will observe communion today, so please prepare your cracker/bread and juice to participate with us from home. There's no shortage of injustice in the world today, and the same was true in the 1st century for the apostle Paul. Today Jim Quattrone leads our study from Acts 23-24 in Part 12 of our Forward series, "Dealing with Injustice." This week in Forward part 4 Jim Quattrone leads us in considering our personal faith journeys as we travel with Paul on his second missionary journey. Have your Bibles open to Acts 16 in preparation for departure. Download today's bulletin from hillcrestjamestown.com to follow along with the message outline. A special handout "Personal Mission Field" which Jim will refer to at the end of his message is also available on the website. Today guest speaker Jim Quattrone continues Blueprint: God's Master Plan for a Healthy Church with Part 3 "What Our Stuff Is For," taking a close look at Paul's instructions to his spiritual son in 1 Timothy 6 and how that teaching still applies to us today. Pastor Wayne Eppehimer will lead the observance of the Lord's Table today, so if you wish to participate with us, please have some juice and a cracker ready. Today guest speaker Jim Quattrone continues our Unstoppable series with Part 3 taking us to Acts 2:42-4:31 with the message "Mission Possible" as we continue to study the power behind the Unstoppable early church. Sing along with us as we worship together, have a Bible or Bible app open, and download today's bulletin from the church website as we connect with God and grow in our faith.

Jon Meyer

Job Titles:
  • Associate Pastor
Most of us have at least a basic understanding of who God the Father is and who Jesus is, but what about the Holy Spirit? In part 9 of our Jesus Is… series, Pastor Jon takes us to John 16 where Jesus introduces his disciples, and us, to the Holy Spirit. Take a moment to prepare to discover something new about the Spirit's place and importance in our lives. Jesus' birth brought light to a dark world over 2000 years ago, and His light continues to illuminate darkness today. This morning Pastor Jon guides us in discovering what Jesus' light revealed and how we can reflect His light to others. Have your Bibles open to John 1:14-18 for today's message "BAM!" part 4 in our Christmas Illuminate series. We're all used to a paycheck reflecting the work we provide for our employer or clients, but God's economy runs completely contrary to the familiar work-reward system. Today Pastor Jon brings us good news about God's economy from Romans 4 in his message "You Didn't Earn It," Part 4 in our series from Paul's letter to the Romans. Coming back from loss, embarrassment, or disappointment can be an uphill climb, but God hasn't left us alone and wants to create something beautiful from our messy lives. As we turn to Joshua 8 with Pastor Jon today, we'll learn how we can get "Back on Track" and move forward again in Part 6 of our Strong and Courageous summer series. While many recognize and honor their father on Father's Day, many others struggle with the baggage left for them by absent fathers. Today Pastor Jon turns to Romans 8 in the message, "Keeping Us from the Father." As we conclude the Family Baggage series, be encouraged and challenged from God's Word. What's Your Purpose at Hillcrest? Every part of our physical body has a purpose, and every person at Hillcrest has a purpose. Do you know where you fit in? In today's message, Pastor Jon challenges us to think about that question in the first of two messages in our short series The High Call of Serving. Turn in your Bible to Romans 12:3-16 and get ready to uncover how you are"Gifted and Called." Welcome to Hillcrest! Our Characters of Christmas series comes to a close today as we encounter Simeon, a godly, old man who was overjoyed after hearing the new of the Jesus' birth! Jon Meyer, Pastor of Family Ministry (Children) shares today's message from Luke 2. If you've grown up attending services at Christmas, you've may think there's nothing new to glean from the story of Mary and Joseph and their journey to Bethlehem. Today Pastor Jon takes a fresh look at this engaged couple who were dealing with a "crisis pregnancy" for the ages! As we do, we'll gain encouragement for our life's journey and how Jesus can be at the center of it all. Have your Bibles open to Luke 1 for Part 2… When God sent the tenth and final plague to Egypt, only one thing mattered and that one thing foreshadowed is what still matters today. This morning we welcome Jon Meyer back to the pulpit to open God's word to Exodus 12 for week 8 of our Exodus series "Free and Ready." We also welcome Jon as the newest member of our pastoral staff serving us part-time as Associate Pastor of Family Ministry for Children. Are you feeling discouraged, rejected, stuck, lonely, rejected? Find encouragement from the apostle Paul as Jon Meyer takes us to Acts 16 with his message "Encouraged to Move Forward," Part 6 in our Forward series. Communion will be observed during the service today, so please have your elements prepared to join in this special time of remembrance and worship. Welcome! We're extending our Christmas celebration into one more Sunday. We'll enjoy more music of the season, and Jon Meyer wraps up Welcome to Our World with Part 5, "He Knows How You Feel" from Hebrews 2:14-18. Pastor Jon's enthusiasm for seeing kids experience life change and growth through relationship with Jesus is evident as he leads Family Ministries as Hillcrest. He serves part-time at Hillcrest engaging with our children's ministries.

Kathy Osgood

Job Titles:
  • Bookkeeper
As our bookkeeper, Kathy pays the bills and keeps our financial records up-to-date working closely with our Finance Committee and church treasurer.

Keith Erickson - COO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations
Keith keeps things running smoothly at Hillcrest as he manages many of the details of the day-to-day activities of a busy church community.

Laurie Lassinger

Job Titles:
  • Preschool Administrator
Laurie is an encourager and friend to our preschool students nurturing their growth in her role as our Preschool Administrator and further demonstrates her love for children as Family Ministries Assistant.

Lyle Roof - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director
Lyle oversees and manages a vast variety of technical needs in our growing church family.

Mark Hinman

Job Titles:
  • Lead Pastor
Pastor Mark is passionate about preaching God's Word in a way that practically answers the "So What?" of everyday life, is enthusiastic about genuine worship, and is committed to leading Hillcrest toward its vision to bring hope to our community and to the nations.

Nancy Olejniczak

Job Titles:
  • Media Coordinator
Nancy gets the word out about what's happening at Hillcrest through our website, social media accounts, and other means of communication.

Pastor Jeff

Today Pastor Jeff has a message for us about messaging, especially God's message delivered to us through His Son. There's no mixed messages in "Miracle Messaging." Have your Bibles open to Hebrews 1:1-3 for "Welcome to Our World" Part 3, and be ready to lift your voice to sing about Jesus birth with us. We all have relationships that are complicated. In our new series "It's Complicated: Life Lessons from a Seriously Dysfunctional Famiily" we'll tackle a variety of issues that families have struggled with for centuries. Today Pastor Jeff kicks off the series with the message "Messy Family" from Genesis 37:1-4 where we'll be introduced to Joseph's dysfunctional family and will discover practical Biblical solutions for complicated relationships. Thank you for joining us today as we honor moms on Mother's Day. If you've ever had a baby in the house, you know that babies change things. Today we continue our Christmas celebration, and Pastor Jeff explores how this miraculous birth changed things in Part 3 of A King is Born in his message "Babies Change Things" from Matthew 1:18-25.

Paul Osborn

In his final days on earth Jesus reinterpreted the meaning of the Passover meal and instructed his followers to "Do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) This morning Pastor Paul Osborn leads us in an extended time of reflecting on and responding to Jesus' command to observe the Lord's Supper in his message "Remembering."

Steve Kilburn

Job Titles:
  • Associate Pastor
"Preach the Word" the apostle Paul instructed his protégé Timothy, and we strive to do just that at Hillcrest. Today's message comes from God's Word and is about God's Word. What is the Bible, and how should we best read and understand all Scripture? Have your Bibles open to 2 Timothy 3:10 - 4:5 as we prepare for Pastor Steve's message "The Word." With seven "I am" statements found in John's Gospel, Jesus describes His identity. Today from John 10:1-10 we hear Him say that He is "the gate for the sheep" and the one who came that we may have life and have it to the full. Let's lean in this morning Pastor Steve guides us in looking into God's living and life-giving Word in his message "The Way to Abundant Life," Part 5 of our Jesus Is…. series. Communion will be… As we are once again about to turn the calendar to a new year, Pastor Steve leads us in considering God's "resolution" for the high calling of our Christian lives - to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." Have your Bibles open to 2 Peter 1:1-11. Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?" (Romans 7:24). Last Sunday we looked at the internal conflict experienced by the apostle Paul and by every one of us. The good news of the gospel is that God sets us free through Jesus Christ! Today as we turn to Romans 8 we consider how we enter into and live in that freedom every day through Pastor Steve's message "Spirit vs. Flesh," Part… As we continue this morning to focus on God's vision for Hillcrest, we consider an emphasis found throughout the Bible: God's heart for the poor. What does Jesus mean when He says that He brings "good news to the poor," and how do His words give direction to our church's ministry and mission in the time and place God has placed us? Have your Bibles open to Luke 4:14-30 for Pastor Steve's message "Good News to the Poor." In our current Strong & Courageous sermon series, we're well into the Book of Joshua - and the Israelites are well into the Promised Land. It's a good point to stop and ask again: what is God doing through this conquest? And what does it tell us about what He is doing today and what He has promised to do in the future? There's a Story unfolding, and it's not over yet. Turn with Pastor Steve to Joshua 11 for… Our summer series on the Book of Joshua has brought us to the river's edge. What did it mean for the Israelites to finally cross the Jordan River and enter the Promised Land? And what does this significant event from Israel's history mean for us today? Is there a promised land waiting for us to enter? Turn to Joshua 3 for Pastor Steve's message "Crossing the Jordan," part 3 in our Strong and Courageous series. Conflicts, as we know, happen in life. For good or ill, many of us have learned from our families ways of handling life's conflicts. As we continue with Part 2 of "Family Baggage," Pastor Steve brings the message "Conflicts and Quarrels" from James 4:1-10 to teach us what God's word has to say on this important topic. A week that began with Jesus' celebrated entry into Jerusalem ended with our Lord crucified, dead, and buried. What was that week all about, and what does it mean for us? In Pastor Steve's message "Fan or Follower," part 11 in our Jesus Stories with Luke series, we remember a week that is central to our Christian faith. And we come to the table in remembrance of Him whose body was broken and whose blood was shed for us. Please… It's time for a fresh look at the Christmas story. Each Sunday in December we will be getting to know the characters who played a part in Jesus' birth: Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joseph and Mary, Herod, Simeon, Anna and many more! As we do, we will break free from the familiar and discover new treasures in the story you thought you knew. Join Pastor Steve in turning to Luke 1 for part 1 in the series. Few people have impacted the world more than Moses. Chosen by God to lead the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt, Moses was powerfully used by God. Today we explore the beginning of his life's story in Pastor Steve's message "Hero," part 3 of our Exodus series. Have your Bible's open to Exodus chapter 2. As leader of our Care and Counseling ministries, Pastor Steve is passionate about bringing the hope found in Christ to those seeking emotional and spiritual healing. He serves part-time at Hillcrest.

Walt Mueller

In these confusing times, many people struggle with even the most basic aspects of their identity. Our guest preacher, Dr. Walt Mueller, will help us find firm footing in God's word as he leads us through several passage of Scripture in Part 2 of our Family Moments series "Searching for Who I Am." Dr. Mueller is the founder and president of the Center for Youth/Parent Understanding.

Wendy Roof

Job Titles:
  • Connections Coordinator
Wendy connects members of the HIllcrest family to opportunities to grow in faith and serve Him within the church.