IBEW 351 - History of Changes

2024-11-02 delete phone (609) 517-7319
2024-10-02 delete phone 856-375-4645
2024-10-02 delete phone 856-829-3746
2024-10-02 insert phone (609) 517-7319
2024-08-31 delete phone (609) 517-7319
2024-07-31 insert phone (609) 517-7319
2024-05-28 insert phone 856-375-4645
2024-05-28 insert phone 856-829-3746
2023-09-05 insert phone 609-665-0568
2023-08-04 insert phone 856-375-4645
2023-08-04 insert phone 856-829-3746
2023-07-02 delete phone 609-839-7177
2023-07-02 insert index_pages_linkeddomain operationyellowribbon.org
2023-05-30 delete phone 609-665-0568
2023-05-30 insert phone 609-839-7177
2023-04-15 delete person Ryan Doran
2023-04-15 insert phone 609-665-0568
2022-05-08 delete index_pages_linkeddomain eventbrite.com
2022-03-08 delete service_pages_linkeddomain paunions.com
2022-03-08 insert index_pages_linkeddomain eventbrite.com
2021-02-21 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2021-02-21 delete source_ip
2021-02-21 insert source_ip
2021-02-21 update robots_txt_status referral.ibew351.org: 0 => 404
2021-01-23 update website_status DNSError => FlippedRobots
2020-04-08 update website_status FlippedRobots => DNSError
2020-04-01 update website_status Disallowed => FlippedRobots
2020-02-01 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2020-01-10 update website_status FailedRobots => FlippedRobots
2019-12-24 update website_status FlippedRobots => FailedRobots
2019-12-04 update website_status FailedRobots => FlippedRobots
2019-11-19 update website_status FlippedRobots => FailedRobots
2019-10-30 update website_status Disallowed => FlippedRobots
2019-08-31 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2019-08-12 update website_status Disallowed => FlippedRobots
2019-06-12 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2019-05-24 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-03-21 insert phone 08037 (609) 561-8515
2018-02-15 delete treasurer Robert P. Nedohon Jr.
2018-02-15 insert treasurer Steve DiMatteo
2018-02-15 delete person Robert P. Nedohon Jr.
2018-02-15 insert person Kenneth Jones Jr.
2018-02-15 update person_title Steve DiMatteo: Member of the Examining Board => Treasurer
2018-01-01 update founded_year null => 1994
2016-09-28 delete vp Donald Morgan
2016-09-28 insert vp John Helsel
2016-09-28 delete person Dennis Kleiner
2016-09-28 delete person Duke Collins
2016-09-28 delete person Edward H. Gant
2016-09-28 delete person Harry Helsel
2016-09-28 delete person Howard J. Trumbetti
2016-09-28 delete person James Bresch
2016-09-28 delete person Timothy Carew
2016-09-28 insert person Andy Helsel
2016-09-28 insert person Conrad Shaffer
2016-09-28 insert person Gregory Cipolla
2016-09-28 insert person John Helsel
2016-09-28 insert person Kevin Malinowski
2016-09-28 insert person Steve Dimatteo
2016-09-28 insert person Steve Gandy
2016-09-28 update person_title Charles Della Vecchia: Member of the Executive Board => Member of the Executive Board; Recording Secretary
2016-09-28 update person_title Daniel Cosner: Chairman of the Executive Board => Business Manager; Financial Secretary
2016-09-28 update person_title Donald Morgan: Vice President => Member of the Executive Board
2016-09-28 update person_title Roy Foster: Member of the Executive Board; Recording Secretary => Member of the Executive Board
2016-03-25 update website_status DomainNotFound => OK
2016-03-13 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound
2015-05-14 insert person Charles Della Vecchia
2015-02-19 delete source_ip
2015-02-19 insert source_ip
2015-02-19 update robots_txt_status www.ibew351.org: 404 => 200