ROXBURY CAMP - Key Persons

Amber Zimmerman

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Team
Amber is the newest member of the team and therefore gets all the bad jobs, but you would never know it by her positive attitude and genuine love of camp. Amber is taking over the inconsistent world of RV reservations where she is learning where people like to be and what campers fit where. If you don't see her in the office when you stop by, she may be out readying a cabin or facility for a guest or just picking up sticks on the campground because "it's what needs to be done." Amber is fitting in well when it comes to program planning as well bringing lots of ideas to the table.

Heather Jensen

Job Titles:
  • Office Manger
Heather works hard each week to make sure that all of the calendars are in order. She coordinates reservations and contracts for our guest groups as well as handling the scheduling for the camp staff. She has been learning Spanish to better be able to communicate and serve our Spanish speaking guest groups. On the weekends she can frequently be found helping out in the kitchen, or conspiring with Michelle on decorations for the next programming event. Heather's home is in the UP (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan. She spent many years as a youth pastor and working with Youth for Christ before coming to Roxbury in 2018. She enjoys Civil War History and spends a lot of time in Gettysburg learning. She also enjoys scrapbooking, knitting, and traveling to National Parks. However, her favorite thing is COFFEE!! It is a rarity to see her without a cup or pot of coffee in hand. She is also excited that her parents have finally retired so they can come visit her more often.

Jeremy Spear

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director
He looks forward to continuing to lead the Roxbury team in serving people and sharing Christ's love. He enjoys attending the services of the various groups and has found it to be spiritually encouraging-challenging him to study the scriptures to find the basis for his own faith. Jeremy grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and went to Hobe Sound Bible College in Florida, where he met his wife Ronda. He knew they would get married the first time he saw her. After more than 30 years of marriage, he says it's still her touch and her smile that he needs to have each day. Together they have been remodeling a 200-year-old house-a place for their three grown children, one daughter-in-law and two grandsons to visit. Around the camp look for Jeremy in his bright blue golf cart or find him in the office. During the week of Camp Meeting, his favorite place to be is in the RV park early in the morning, smelling campfires from the night before, drinking coffee and praying for the families at Camp.

Lydia Hostetler

Job Titles:
  • Food Service Assistant
Second in command in the Kitchen is Lydia Hostetler. Lydia has worked at the camp for a little more than two years and is training to take on lead roles for some meals during retreat season. She has co-lead the kitchen during some of the summer camps and works side by side with Michelle on food prep and special event planning. Lydia and her husband, Jr., have four children, one of whom, Damaris, works alongside her at the camp for weekend food service. Lydia is active in her church, often in the food preparation area as well as with the Homeschool cooperative she belongs to where she helps plan events for the teens and children in the group. Lydia enjoys traveling with her husband who drives a truck often long distances. She likes to see beautiful scenery and for them to spend time together.

Michelle Reese

Job Titles:
  • Food Service Director
She also helps plan special events and keeps the Commons beautifully decorated. Of course, you'll find her most often in the kitchen, where she spends some very long days, especially during the summer camp season. We are very thankful for all the hard work Michelle puts into making sure our guests have amazing food to eat! Michelle has received multiple perfect kitchen inspection reports from the PA Department of Agriculture. She enjoys running in her free time. Michelle spent most of her childhood in Bolivia, South America where her parents were missionaries. She was saved at age four under a banana tree and later was baptized in the Manopari River. She came back to Pennsylvania to attend high school and college. It was in college where she met her husband, Dave. They have now been married for more than 30 years, have four sons, a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter and another on the way. Michelle is looking forward to watching and visiting her sons as they transition into their adult lives.

Tom Briggs

Job Titles:
  • Bookkeeper
Tom comes into the office once a week to handle the things that most people run from: numbers and money. Tom works hard to keep all of the books in order, pays the bills, and makes sure that all of the numbers line up. Tom plays a very important role here at Roxbury Camp. He loves the Civil War, history, and Gettysburg. He enjoys taking longs walks around Gettysburg and finding monuments that he has not studied before. He enjoys reading books about the Civil War. He and Heather often have conversations on Tuesday mornings about their latest Civil War discoveries and adventures around Gettysburg. He has been married to his wonderful wife, Jennifer, for 36 years. He says they are still waiting to have their first argument. He has a daughter who is a CPA. He also enjoys golfing and riding his motorcycle when the weather is nice.

Will McAnlis

Job Titles:
  • Maintenance
Will joined the Roxbury team in August of 2021 and has been helping Brian and Dale with maintenance and some custodial work at the camp. Precision work is what Will is good at, so a lot of the painting, landscaping, and other detail work has been done by Will in the past months. Boy does the camp look great for it! Will and his wife, Jackie, have three children two of whom are at home. His oldest daughter, Kimberley, lives in Texas with Will's three grandchildren and her husband. Will enjoys spending time with his twin brother, Wally, at Shenandoah and on other adventures. He worked at Mount Rock Dairy for 23 years prior to coming to the camp. Will enjoys the time he spends in fellowship with the staff and the comradery we have to work together to meet the needs of the guest groups. He enjoys maintaining the grounds and keeping the place safe and ready for our guests.