Updated 28 days ago
510 N. Kaufman St. Seagoville, TX. 75159
The Seagoville Church of Christ is a congregation of believers saved by the lavish grace of God. It is our aim to imitate the church of New Testament times. This goal implies our determination to respect the Bible as God's Word, confess Jesus as God's unique Son, worship according to the pattern of scripture, and live everyday lives transformed by Christ's example and redeemed by his blood. The familiar New Testament descriptions of God's people help us identify our mission...
In the four Gospels and Acts, the word "disciple" appears repeatedly. A disciple follows his teacher. We want to follow Jesus. He loved and obeyed the Father. He sacrificed himself for others. He spoke the truth in love. He hated sin but loved sinners. He showed compassion to the sick, bereaved, and needy. He cherished men, women, and children.
Also known as: Seagoville Church of Christ