ST. JOHN - Key Persons

Karen Kostelnik

Job Titles:
  • Organist, Bell & Choir Director

Pastor Breda

Pastor Breda continued his ministry at St. John Church through the years of World War II. In the summer of 1948, Pastor Breda accepted the call of St. Peter Church, Waymansville, Indiana. In the fall of 1948, the Rev. Clarence W. Luekens, pastor of Grace Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, accepted the call to St. John Church and was installed on November 14 of that year. The increasing size of the congregation and particularly the growth of the Sunday School moved the congregation to establish a survey committee in 1950 to determine the needs of the congregation in the foreseeable future and to suggest ways of meeting those needs. After the committee had submitted its report, the Trustees were added to the committee to make it a building committee with the specific task of developing plans for an educational building as a first step of an overall plan for the old location.

Rev. James A. Haugen

Job Titles:
  • Pastor