A Bail Bond

Job Titles:
  • Agent Near
The bail process begins when you're arrested. At that time, you're taken to jail. The judge sets bail, which is a predetermined amount of money you pay to the court in order to be released. If you're unable to pay the full amount of bail, you can ask a bail bond company to post bail on your behalf. A bail bond is a promise to pay an amount of money if you fail to appear in court. The bail bond company charges a non-refundable fee, known as the premium, in exchange for posting bail on your behalf. The defendant and the bail bond company sign a contract that states that the company will pay the court if the defendant fails to appear. If you or your loved one is arrested in San Diego and you need to post bail, don't hesitate to contact Steven Mehr Bail Bonds at 800-834-8522. We will expedite the bail process so that you can be set free as fast as possible.

A Bail Bonds

Job Titles:
  • Agent Near
Similar to other California justice system processes, bail bond procedures can be challenging to understand. Moreover, bail bonds can be expensive and therefore place you into serious financial problems. Additionally, facing a criminal case also has detrimental consequences on your finances, social and emotional wellbeing. Therefore, it is critical to engage a reputable bail bonds agent who understands the California justice system. The agent will post bail on your behalf, which will give you the much-needed freedom to prepare a strong defense. At Steven Mehr Bail Bonds, we have been posting bail for clients in Garden Grove, CA., for a very long time. If you or your loved one needs to post bail in Garden Grove, don't hesitate to contact us at 800-834-8522.

Bellflower Bail Bond

Job Titles:
  • Agent Near
Facing jail time can be very stressful, especially if you are not in a position to raise the required bail amount. You will need the services of a bail bondsman in Bellflower who is professional, knowledgeable, courteous, and reliable. At Steven Mehr Bail Bonds, we will accept different payment methods like bank transfers, online payment, among others. Our agents will sit down with you and develop a unique payment plan which will favor you and ensure your finances are not affected unnecessarily. We offer loans against your salary, which will go a long way in ensuring you go back to your family within no time. Our agents will work tirelessly to ensure you return to your regular duties within the shortest time possible. Kindly call us at 800-834-8522 and talk with our Bellflower bail bond agents.

Garden Grove Bail Bonds

Garden Grove Bail Bonds agents or bondsmen pay bail on your behalf. You pay the bail bond agent a fee, and the bail bonds agents act as a surety. They assure the court they will pay the bail should you fail to appear in court. Garden Grove Bail Bonds agents make money by charging a percentage of the bail amount. The fee is usually 10% to 15% of the bail amount. For example, if you are charged $10000 as bail, you will pay the bail bond agent $100 for them to act as a surety on your behalf. The bail bond agents require you to provide some kind of collateral or security against the bail bond. How Do You Bail Out A Defendant Whom The Court Has Sent To Jail? As earlier stated, you remain in jail before your bail bond hearing if you have committed a serious crime. During this time, it's critical to contact a Garden Grove Bail Bonds agent, depending on your charges. The court will charge different bail depending on the severity of the crime. If the police arrest and send you to jail for a serious offense like murder or assault with a deadly weapon, your bond will likely be high. The case is different if your alleged crime isn't as serious. You can decide to either post bail immediately after you are sent to jail or wait until after you are aligned in court. It's prudent to post bail immediately when the court sentences you. If you aren't in a position, you can contact a reputable bail bond agent to post the bail on your behalf. Posting bail immediately will give your lawyer more time to prepare a strong defense. The attorney will also have more time to convince the prosecution to reduce or dismiss the charges altogether.

San Diego Bail Bond Cost

If you've ever been arrested, you'll know that it's no laughing matter. It's a situation that can be made even more stressful by the amount of bail set for you. Setting bail is a decision that's up to the judge. How much bail a judge in San Diego, CA will charge you will depend on the severity of the crime you are alleged to have committed. If you're not familiar with the process of bail, then you should know that it's the amount of money set to ensure you return to court when called to do so. If you don't show up for court, the bail is forfeited, and you'll be considered a fugitive, and the judge will issue your arrest warrant. The severity of the crime will determine the bail amount for a crime. For example, if you're charged with murder, you can expect a much higher bail amount than if you're charged with a misdemeanor. You should know that the bail amount is set to ensure that you return to court. It's not meant to be a punishment for a crime that you've committed. If you're in a situation where you're charged with a crime and bail is set, a bail bondsman will pay the bail amount on your behalf. The amount you pay will be a percentage of the total bail. They'll charge you a fee for this service. The amount of the fee will depend on a few factors. One of the most significant factors is the amount of bail that's set. The higher the bail amount, the higher the fee that you'll have to pay. If you're charged with a crime and bail is set, you may want to look at how much the bail bondsman is charging for their services. If you were able to pay the bail yourself, you might save a significant amount of money.