2024-03-13 delete email wr..@woodburylutheran.org
2024-03-13 delete person Erin Bowes
2024-03-13 insert email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2024-03-13 insert person Nate Sabin
2024-03-13 update person_title Kandi Chavie: Administrative Assistant; Communications Director => Communications Director
2024-03-13 update person_title Stephanie Pfotenhauer: Choir Director, Valley Creek Campus => Choir Director, Valley Creek Campus / Facilities; Choir Director, Valley Creek Campus
2023-09-21 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain churchcenter.com
2023-09-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain churchcenter.com
2023-09-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain eepurl.com
2023-09-21 insert management_pages_linkeddomain churchcenter.com
2023-09-21 update person_title Scripture Card: Media => Messages and Media
2023-07-16 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2023-07-16 delete person Mark Stutelberg
2023-07-16 insert email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2023-07-16 update person_title Bethany Meyer: Kids & Youth Minister, Wakota Ridge Campus => Kids & Youth Minister, Wakota Ridge Campus and Local Reach Coordinator
2023-05-03 insert otherexecutives Mike Ehnstrom
2023-05-03 insert email mi..@woodburylutheran.org
2023-05-03 insert person Mike Ehnstrom
2023-04-02 delete source_ip
2023-04-02 insert source_ip
2022-08-12 delete address Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-3pm 7380 Afton Road, Woodbury, MN 55125
2022-08-12 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-08-12 delete email zh..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-08-12 delete person Emily Bravo
2022-08-12 delete person Whitney Zhu
2022-08-12 insert address Th 9am-3pm, F 9am-12pm 7380 Afton Road, Woodbury, MN 55125
2022-08-12 insert index_pages_linkeddomain settled.org
2022-08-12 update person_title Rachel Orr: Kindergarten Teacher => Teacher
2022-08-12 update primary_contact Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-3pm 7380 Afton Road, Woodbury, MN 55125 => Th 9am-3pm, F 9am-12pm 7380 Afton Road, Woodbury, MN 55125
2022-05-01 insert cco Kandi Chavie
2022-05-01 insert otherexecutives Diana Vander Pas
2022-05-01 insert otherexecutives Lisa Schommer
2022-05-01 insert president Ben Kehl
2022-05-01 insert vp Ann Baumann
2022-05-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain zoom.us
2022-05-01 insert email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email an..@gmail.com
2022-05-01 insert email bo..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email ga..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email gu..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email ja..@gmail.com
2022-05-01 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email mo..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email re..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sh..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sl..@gmail.com
2022-05-01 insert email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email tm..@comcast.net
2022-05-01 insert email va..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert email ww..@comcast.net
2022-05-01 insert email zh..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-05-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain apple.com
2022-05-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2022-05-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain spotify.com
2022-05-01 insert person Amelia Dunavan
2022-05-01 insert person Ann Baumann
2022-05-01 insert person Barb Koch
2022-05-01 insert person Ben Kehl
2022-05-01 insert person Brian Ingram
2022-05-01 insert person Brian Schouvieller
2022-05-01 insert person Caleb Anderson
2022-05-01 insert person Diana Vander Pas
2022-05-01 insert person Donna Ignaszewski
2022-05-01 insert person Emily Bravo
2022-05-01 insert person Evan Parkhurst
2022-05-01 insert person James Bogert
2022-05-01 insert person Jill Brown
2022-05-01 insert person Joel Symmank
2022-05-01 insert person Joel Wetzstein
2022-05-01 insert person Jyl Dunavan
2022-05-01 insert person Kandi Chavie
2022-05-01 insert person Katie Morri
2022-05-01 insert person Laura Stennes
2022-05-01 insert person Lindsey Schmidt
2022-05-01 insert person Lisa Schommer
2022-05-01 insert person Madison Stilp
2022-05-01 insert person Mark Stutelberg
2022-05-01 insert person Mary Law
2022-05-01 insert person Mike Sabbann
2022-05-01 insert person Miriam Kostecki
2022-05-01 insert person Nancy Schubbe
2022-05-01 insert person Patrick Brewer
2022-05-01 insert person Rachel Orr
2022-05-01 insert person Sara Mulso
2022-05-01 insert person Sarah Dibbern
2022-05-01 insert person Selam Abraham
2022-05-01 insert person Shannon Schach
2022-05-01 insert person Sheryl Breiholz
2022-05-01 insert person Stacy Winter
2022-05-01 insert person Sunny Marshall
2022-05-01 insert person Theresa Ingram
2022-05-01 insert person Wade Amundson
2022-05-01 insert person Whitney Zhu
2022-03-31 delete cco Kandi Chavie
2022-03-31 delete otherexecutives Diana Vander Pas
2022-03-31 delete otherexecutives Lisa Schommer
2022-03-31 delete president Ben Kehl
2022-03-31 delete vp Ann Baumann
2022-03-31 delete email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email an..@gmail.com
2022-03-31 delete email bo..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email ga..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email gu..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email ja..@gmail.com
2022-03-31 delete email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email mo..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email re..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sh..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sl..@gmail.com
2022-03-31 delete email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email tm..@comcast.net
2022-03-31 delete email va..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete email ww..@comcast.net
2022-03-31 delete email zh..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-03-31 delete person Amelia Dunavan
2022-03-31 delete person Ann Baumann
2022-03-31 delete person Barb Koch
2022-03-31 delete person Ben Kehl
2022-03-31 delete person Brian Ingram
2022-03-31 delete person Brian Schouvieller
2022-03-31 delete person Caleb Anderson
2022-03-31 delete person Diana Vander Pas
2022-03-31 delete person Donna Ignaszewski
2022-03-31 delete person Emily Bravo
2022-03-31 delete person Evan Parkhurst
2022-03-31 delete person James Bogert
2022-03-31 delete person Jill Brown
2022-03-31 delete person Joel Symmank
2022-03-31 delete person Joel Wetzstein
2022-03-31 delete person Jyl Dunavan
2022-03-31 delete person Kandi Chavie
2022-03-31 delete person Katie Morri
2022-03-31 delete person Laura Stennes
2022-03-31 delete person Lindsey Schmidt
2022-03-31 delete person Lisa Schommer
2022-03-31 delete person Madison Stilp
2022-03-31 delete person Mark Stutelberg
2022-03-31 delete person Mary Law
2022-03-31 delete person Mike Sabbann
2022-03-31 delete person Miriam Kostecki
2022-03-31 delete person Nancy Schubbe
2022-03-31 delete person Patrick Brewer
2022-03-31 delete person Rachel Orr
2022-03-31 delete person Sara Mulso
2022-03-31 delete person Sarah Dibbern
2022-03-31 delete person Selam Abraham
2022-03-31 delete person Shannon Schach
2022-03-31 delete person Sheryl Breiholz
2022-03-31 delete person Stacy Winter
2022-03-31 delete person Sunny Marshall
2022-03-31 delete person Theresa Ingram
2022-03-31 delete person Wade Amundson
2022-03-31 delete person Whitney Zhu
2022-03-31 insert index_pages_linkeddomain zoom.us
2022-02-11 delete otherexecutives Michelle Connolly
2022-02-11 insert cco Kandi Chavie
2022-02-11 insert otherexecutives Lisa Schommer
2022-02-11 delete address 255 W Douglas St. South Saint Paul, MN 55075 Valley Creek
2022-02-11 delete address Oak Hill Campus 9050 60th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082
2022-02-11 delete email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete email as..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete email co..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete email gr..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete email ja..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain apple.com
2022-02-11 delete person Andrew Asp
2022-02-11 delete person Jackie Polinske
2022-02-11 delete person Karl Grant
2022-02-11 delete person Kendall Johnson
2022-02-11 delete person Kimberly Allen
2022-02-11 delete person Michelle Connolly
2022-02-11 delete person Molly Schulze
2022-02-11 delete person Nadeeka Jayasuriya
2022-02-11 insert address 9050 60th Street N Stillwater, MN 55082 Valley Creek
2022-02-11 insert address Oak Hill Campus 9050 60th Street N Stillwater, MN 55082
2022-02-11 insert address Wakota Ridge Campus 255 W Douglas St South St. Paul, MN 55075
2022-02-11 insert email bo..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email ga..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email gu..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email re..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert email sh..@woodburylutheran.org
2022-02-11 insert person James Bogert
2022-02-11 insert person Miriam Kostecki
2022-02-11 update person_title Caleb Anderson: Support Teacher => Teacher
2022-02-11 update person_title Joel Symmank: Director of Ministries L Valley Creek Campus Worship Leader => Director of Ministries
2022-02-11 update person_title Kandi Chavie: Worship Administrative Assistant => Administrative Assistant; Communications Director
2022-02-11 update person_title Laura Stennes: Kids & Youth Minister => Kids & Youth Minister - South St. Paul
2022-02-11 update person_title Lisa Schommer: Business Manager => Assistant Director
2022-02-11 update person_title Shannon Schach: Distance Preschool Teacher => Preschool Teacher
2021-06-02 insert otherexecutives Diana Vander Pas
2021-06-02 insert otherexecutives Michelle Connolly
2021-06-02 insert president Ben Kehl
2021-06-02 insert vp Ann Baumann
2021-06-02 delete address 11395 Eagle View Blvd Woodbury, MN 55129
2021-06-02 delete address 7380 Afton Road Woodbury, MN 55125 Valley Creek
2021-06-02 insert address 255 W Douglas St. South Saint Paul, MN 55075 Valley Creek
2021-06-02 insert address 255 W. Douglas St. South St. Paul, MN 55075
2021-06-02 insert address Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-3pm 7380 Afton Road, Woodbury, MN 55125
2021-06-02 insert email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email an..@gmail.com
2021-06-02 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email co..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email gr..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email ja..@gmail.com
2021-06-02 insert email ja..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email mi..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email mo..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sl..@gmail.com
2021-06-02 insert email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email tm..@comcast.net
2021-06-02 insert email va..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email wl..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert email ww..@comcast.net
2021-06-02 insert email zh..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-06-02 insert person Amelia Dunavan
2021-06-02 insert person Ann Baumann
2021-06-02 insert person Barb Koch
2021-06-02 insert person Ben Kehl
2021-06-02 insert person Brad Miller
2021-06-02 insert person Brian Ingram
2021-06-02 insert person Brian Schouvieller
2021-06-02 insert person Caleb Anderson
2021-06-02 insert person Diana Vander Pas
2021-06-02 insert person Donna Ignaszewski
2021-06-02 insert person Emily Bravo
2021-06-02 insert person Evan Parkhurst
2021-06-02 insert person Jackie Polinske
2021-06-02 insert person Jill Brown
2021-06-02 insert person Joel Symmank
2021-06-02 insert person Joel Wetzstein
2021-06-02 insert person Jyl Dunavan
2021-06-02 insert person Kandi Chavie
2021-06-02 insert person Karl Grant
2021-06-02 insert person Katie Morri
2021-06-02 insert person Kendall Johnson
2021-06-02 insert person Kimberly Allen
2021-06-02 insert person Laura Stennes
2021-06-02 insert person Lindsey Schmidt
2021-06-02 insert person Lisa Schommer
2021-06-02 insert person Madison Stilp
2021-06-02 insert person Mark Stutelberg
2021-06-02 insert person Mary Law
2021-06-02 insert person Michelle Connolly
2021-06-02 insert person Mike Sabbann
2021-06-02 insert person Molly Schulze
2021-06-02 insert person Nadeeka Jayasuriya
2021-06-02 insert person Nancy Schubbe
2021-06-02 insert person Patrick Brewer
2021-06-02 insert person Rachel Orr
2021-06-02 insert person Sara Mulso
2021-06-02 insert person Sarah Dibbern
2021-06-02 insert person Selam Abraham
2021-06-02 insert person Shannon Schach
2021-06-02 insert person Stacy Winter
2021-06-02 insert person Sunny Marshall
2021-06-02 insert person Theresa Ingram
2021-06-02 insert person Wade Amundson
2021-06-02 insert person Whitney Zhu
2021-06-02 update person_title Andrew Asp: Vicar ( Intern Pastor ) => Vicar ( Intern Pastor ) Department / Oak Hill
2021-06-02 update primary_contact 11395 Eagle View Blvd Woodbury, MN 55129 => Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-3pm 7380 Afton Road, Woodbury, MN 55125
2021-02-04 delete address 9050 60th Street N Stillwater, MN 55082 Valley Creek
2021-02-04 delete address Liberty Ridge Campus 11395 Eagle View Blvd Woodbury, MN 55129
2021-02-04 delete email ku..@woodburylutheran.org
2021-02-04 delete person Jon Kuehne
2021-02-04 insert address 7380 Afton Road Woodbury, MN 55125 Valley Creek
2021-02-04 update person_title Andrew Asp: Vicar ( Intern Pastor ) Department; Vicar ( Intern Pastor ) => Vicar ( Intern Pastor )
2020-10-17 delete president Renee Boehme
2020-10-17 delete vp Ben Kehl
2020-10-17 delete about_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-10-17 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-10-17 delete email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email gr..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email hu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email mi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email mu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email va..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 delete index_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-10-17 delete management_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-10-17 delete person Amy Huebner
2020-10-17 delete person Barb Koch
2020-10-17 delete person Ben Kehl
2020-10-17 delete person Brad Miller
2020-10-17 delete person Brian Ingram
2020-10-17 delete person Brian Schouvieller
2020-10-17 delete person Cindy Linert
2020-10-17 delete person Cynthia Gustafson
2020-10-17 delete person Diana Vander Pas
2020-10-17 delete person Donna Ignaszewski
2020-10-17 delete person Evan Parkhurst
2020-10-17 delete person Heidi Hove
2020-10-17 delete person Jackie Polinske
2020-10-17 delete person Jennifer Andersen
2020-10-17 delete person Joel Symmank
2020-10-17 delete person Joel Wetzstein
2020-10-17 delete person Jyl Dunavan
2020-10-17 delete person Karl Grant
2020-10-17 delete person Katie Mueller
2020-10-17 delete person Kendall Johnson
2020-10-17 delete person Kimberly Allen
2020-10-17 delete person Larry Hall
2020-10-17 delete person Laura Stennes
2020-10-17 delete person LeAnn Perry
2020-10-17 delete person Leanne Bloom
2020-10-17 delete person Linda Tank
2020-10-17 delete person Lindsey Schmidt
2020-10-17 delete person Lisa Schommer
2020-10-17 delete person Mark Stutelberg
2020-10-17 delete person Mary Law
2020-10-17 delete person Mike Sabbann
2020-10-17 delete person Molly Schulze
2020-10-17 delete person Nancy Schubbe
2020-10-17 delete person Patrick Brewer
2020-10-17 delete person Quincy Koll
2020-10-17 delete person Rachel Orr
2020-10-17 delete person Rebecca Christensen
2020-10-17 delete person Renee Boehme
2020-10-17 delete person Sandy Johnson
2020-10-17 delete person Sara Mulso
2020-10-17 delete person Sarah Dibbern
2020-10-17 delete person Shannon Schach
2020-10-17 delete person Stacy Winter
2020-10-17 delete person Sunny Marshall
2020-10-17 delete person Theresa Ingram
2020-10-17 delete person Tiffany Perlt
2020-10-17 delete person Troy Wenck
2020-10-17 insert email as..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-10-17 insert person Andrew Asp
2020-08-06 insert president Renee Boehme
2020-08-06 insert vp Ben Kehl
2020-08-06 insert email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email gr..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email hu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email mi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email mu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email va..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-08-06 insert person Amy Huebner
2020-08-06 insert person Barb Koch
2020-08-06 insert person Ben Kehl
2020-08-06 insert person Brad Miller
2020-08-06 insert person Brian Ingram
2020-08-06 insert person Brian Schouvieller
2020-08-06 insert person Cindy Linert
2020-08-06 insert person Cynthia Gustafson
2020-08-06 insert person Diana Vander Pas
2020-08-06 insert person Donna Ignaszewski
2020-08-06 insert person Evan Parkhurst
2020-08-06 insert person Heidi Hove
2020-08-06 insert person Jackie Polinske
2020-08-06 insert person Jennifer Andersen
2020-08-06 insert person Joel Symmank
2020-08-06 insert person Joel Wetzstein
2020-08-06 insert person Jyl Dunavan
2020-08-06 insert person Karl Grant
2020-08-06 insert person Katie Mueller
2020-08-06 insert person Kendall Johnson
2020-08-06 insert person Kimberly Allen
2020-08-06 insert person Larry Hall
2020-08-06 insert person Laura Stennes
2020-08-06 insert person LeAnn Perry
2020-08-06 insert person Leanne Bloom
2020-08-06 insert person Linda Tank
2020-08-06 insert person Lindsey Schmidt
2020-08-06 insert person Lisa Schommer
2020-08-06 insert person Mark Stutelberg
2020-08-06 insert person Mary Law
2020-08-06 insert person Mike Sabbann
2020-08-06 insert person Molly Schulze
2020-08-06 insert person Nancy Schubbe
2020-08-06 insert person Patrick Brewer
2020-08-06 insert person Rachel Orr
2020-08-06 insert person Rebecca Christensen
2020-08-06 insert person Renee Boehme
2020-08-06 insert person Sandy Johnson
2020-08-06 insert person Sara Mulso
2020-08-06 insert person Sarah Dibbern
2020-08-06 insert person Shannon Schach
2020-08-06 insert person Stacy Winter
2020-08-06 insert person Sunny Marshall
2020-08-06 insert person Theresa Ingram
2020-08-06 insert person Tiffany Perlt
2020-08-06 insert person Troy Wenck
2020-06-29 delete president Renee Boehme
2020-06-29 delete vp Ben Kehl
2020-06-29 delete email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email gr..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email hu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email mi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email mu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email va..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-06-29 delete person Amy Huebner
2020-06-29 delete person Barb Koch
2020-06-29 delete person Ben Kehl
2020-06-29 delete person Brad Miller
2020-06-29 delete person Brian Ingram
2020-06-29 delete person Brian Schouvieller
2020-06-29 delete person Cindy Linert
2020-06-29 delete person Cynthia Gustafson
2020-06-29 delete person Diana Vander Pas
2020-06-29 delete person Donna Ignaszewski
2020-06-29 delete person Evan Parkhurst
2020-06-29 delete person Heidi Hove
2020-06-29 delete person Jackie Polinske
2020-06-29 delete person Jennifer Andersen
2020-06-29 delete person Joel Symmank
2020-06-29 delete person Joel Wetzstein
2020-06-29 delete person Jyl Dunavan
2020-06-29 delete person Karl Grant
2020-06-29 delete person Katie Mueller
2020-06-29 delete person Kendall Johnson
2020-06-29 delete person Kimberly Allen
2020-06-29 delete person Larry Hall
2020-06-29 delete person Laura Stennes
2020-06-29 delete person LeAnn Perry
2020-06-29 delete person Leanne Bloom
2020-06-29 delete person Linda Tank
2020-06-29 delete person Lindsey Schmidt
2020-06-29 delete person Lisa Schommer
2020-06-29 delete person Mark Stutelberg
2020-06-29 delete person Mary Law
2020-06-29 delete person Mike Sabbann
2020-06-29 delete person Molly Schulze
2020-06-29 delete person Nancy Schubbe
2020-06-29 delete person Patrick Brewer
2020-06-29 delete person Rachel Orr
2020-06-29 delete person Rebecca Christensen
2020-06-29 delete person Renee Boehme
2020-06-29 delete person Sandy Johnson
2020-06-29 delete person Sara Mulso
2020-06-29 delete person Sarah Dibbern
2020-06-29 delete person Shannon Schach
2020-06-29 delete person Stacy Winter
2020-06-29 delete person Sunny Marshall
2020-06-29 delete person Theresa Ingram
2020-06-29 delete person Tiffany Perlt
2020-06-29 delete person Troy Wenck
2020-06-29 insert about_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-06-29 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-06-29 insert index_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-06-29 insert management_pages_linkeddomain online.church
2020-04-12 insert president Renee Boehme
2020-04-12 insert vp Ben Kehl
2020-04-12 delete about_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2020-04-12 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2020-04-12 delete index_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2020-04-12 delete management_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2020-04-12 insert email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email gr..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email hu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email mi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email mu..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email va..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2020-04-12 insert person Amy Huebner
2020-04-12 insert person Barb Koch
2020-04-12 insert person Ben Kehl
2020-04-12 insert person Brad Miller
2020-04-12 insert person Brian Ingram
2020-04-12 insert person Brian Schouvieller
2020-04-12 insert person Cindy Linert
2020-04-12 insert person Cynthia Gustafson
2020-04-12 insert person Diana Vander Pas
2020-04-12 insert person Donna Ignaszewski
2020-04-12 insert person Evan Parkhurst
2020-04-12 insert person Heidi Hove
2020-04-12 insert person Jackie Polinske
2020-04-12 insert person Jennifer Andersen
2020-04-12 insert person Joel Symmank
2020-04-12 insert person Joel Wetzstein
2020-04-12 insert person Jyl Dunavan
2020-04-12 insert person Karl Grant
2020-04-12 insert person Katie Mueller
2020-04-12 insert person Kendall Johnson
2020-04-12 insert person Kimberly Allen
2020-04-12 insert person Larry Hall
2020-04-12 insert person Laura Stennes
2020-04-12 insert person LeAnn Perry
2020-04-12 insert person Leanne Bloom
2020-04-12 insert person Linda Tank
2020-04-12 insert person Lindsey Schmidt
2020-04-12 insert person Lisa Schommer
2020-04-12 insert person Mark Stutelberg
2020-04-12 insert person Mary Law
2020-04-12 insert person Mike Sabbann
2020-04-12 insert person Molly Schulze
2020-04-12 insert person Nancy Schubbe
2020-04-12 insert person Patrick Brewer
2020-04-12 insert person Rachel Orr
2020-04-12 insert person Rebecca Christensen
2020-04-12 insert person Renee Boehme
2020-04-12 insert person Sandy Johnson
2020-04-12 insert person Sara Mulso
2020-04-12 insert person Sarah Dibbern
2020-04-12 insert person Shannon Schach
2020-04-12 insert person Stacy Winter
2020-04-12 insert person Sunny Marshall
2020-04-12 insert person Theresa Ingram
2020-04-12 insert person Tiffany Perlt
2020-04-12 insert person Troy Wenck
2020-03-10 insert about_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2020-03-10 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2020-03-10 insert index_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2020-03-10 insert management_pages_linkeddomain churchonline.org
2019-12-31 delete president Renee Boehme
2019-12-31 delete vp Ben Kehl
2019-12-31 delete email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email du..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email gr..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email hu..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email in..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email la..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email li..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email mi..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email mu..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sa..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email sy..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email we..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete email wi..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-12-31 delete person Amy Huebner
2019-12-31 delete person Barb Koch
2019-12-31 delete person Ben Kehl
2019-12-31 delete person Brad Miller
2019-12-31 delete person Brian Ingram
2019-12-31 delete person Brian Schouvieller
2019-12-31 delete person Cindy Linert
2019-12-31 delete person Cynthia Gustafson
2019-12-31 delete person Donna Ignaszewski
2019-12-31 delete person Evan Parkhurst
2019-12-31 delete person Heidi Hove
2019-12-31 delete person Jackie Polinske
2019-12-31 delete person Jennifer Andersen
2019-12-31 delete person Joel Symmank
2019-12-31 delete person Joel Wetzstein
2019-12-31 delete person Jyl Dunavan
2019-12-31 delete person Karl Grant
2019-12-31 delete person Katie Mueller
2019-12-31 delete person Kendall Johnson
2019-12-31 delete person Kimberly Allen
2019-12-31 delete person Larry Hall
2019-12-31 delete person Laura Stennes
2019-12-31 delete person LeAnn Perry
2019-12-31 delete person Leanne Bloom
2019-12-31 delete person Linda Tank
2019-12-31 delete person Lindsey Schmidt
2019-12-31 delete person Lisa Schommer
2019-12-31 delete person Mark Stutelberg
2019-12-31 delete person Mary Law
2019-12-31 delete person Mike Sabbann
2019-12-31 delete person Molly Schulze
2019-12-31 delete person Nancy Schubbe
2019-12-31 delete person Patrick Brewer
2019-12-31 delete person Rachel Orr
2019-12-31 delete person Rebecca Christensen
2019-12-31 delete person Renee Boehme
2019-12-31 delete person Sandy Johnson
2019-12-31 delete person Sara Mulso
2019-12-31 delete person Sarah Dibbern
2019-12-31 delete person Shannon Schach
2019-12-31 delete person Stacy Winter
2019-12-31 delete person Sunny Marshall
2019-12-31 delete person Theresa Ingram
2019-12-31 delete person Tiffany Perlt
2019-12-31 delete person Troy Wenck
2019-12-31 update person_title Quincy Koll: Department => Vicar ( Intern Pastor ) Department; Vicar ( Intern Pastor )
2019-10-27 update person_title Mary Law: Assistant to the Senior Pastor => Office Manager
2019-09-20 delete email de..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-09-20 delete person Geordie Denholm
2019-09-20 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-09-20 insert person Quincy Koll
2019-05-29 delete email le..@woodburylutheran.org
2019-05-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain fmsc.org
2019-05-29 delete person Mary Lehman
2019-05-29 update person_title Sarah Dibbern: Kids & Youth Minister - Oak Hill => Kids Minister - Valley Creek Youth Minister - Oak Hill
2019-04-21 delete address 9050 60th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 Valley Creek
2019-04-21 insert address 9050 60th Street N Stillwater, MN 55082 Valley Creek
2019-04-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain fmsc.org
2017-10-08 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 delete email ma..@gmail.com
2017-10-08 delete email pi..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 delete person Derek Broten
2017-10-08 delete person Lisa Mast
2017-10-08 delete person Scott Pitsch
2017-10-08 insert email al..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 insert email an..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 insert email or..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 insert email to..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-10-08 insert management_pages_linkeddomain thealley.org
2017-10-08 insert person Christian Jones
2017-10-08 insert person Jennifer Andersen
2017-10-08 insert person Kimberly Allen
2017-10-08 insert person Rachel Orr
2017-10-08 insert person Rebecca Christensen
2017-10-08 update person_title Cindy Linert: Assistant; Kids Ministry Assistant Office => Kids Minister - Valley Creek
2017-10-08 update person_title Laura Stennes: Kids Ministry Coordinator; Coordinator => Kids & Youth Minister - Liberty Ridge L Assistant Teacher - Preschool
2017-10-08 update person_title Molly Schulze: Director of Growth Ministries ( Oak Hill ) Office => Kids Minister - Oak Hill
2017-10-08 update person_title Sarah Dibbern: Kids Ministry Coordinator; Kids Ministry Coordinator L Youth Minister ( Oak Hill ) => Kids & Youth Minister - Oak Hill
2017-08-09 insert otherexecutives Ben Gonzales
2017-08-09 insert otherexecutives Dan Meyer
2017-08-09 delete email am..@gmail.com
2017-08-09 delete email ba..@msn.com
2017-08-09 delete email bl..@msn.com
2017-08-09 delete email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 delete email do..@yahoo.com
2017-08-09 delete email he..@bethel.edu
2017-08-09 delete email ka..@gmail.com
2017-08-09 delete email la..@comcast.net
2017-08-09 delete email sh..@icloud.com
2017-08-09 delete email ti..@gmail.com
2017-08-09 delete person Heather Guerin
2017-08-09 delete person Kristin Broten
2017-08-09 insert email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email hu..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email ig..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email ko..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email mu..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert email st..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-08-09 insert person Ben Gonzales
2017-08-09 insert person Dan Meyer
2017-08-09 insert person Laura Stennes
2017-08-09 update person_description Donna Ignaszewski => Donna Ignaszewski
2017-08-09 update person_description Leanne Bloom => Leanne Bloom
2017-06-23 delete email ba..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-06-23 delete email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-06-23 delete email lj..@comcast.net
2017-06-23 delete person Dorothy Blaisdell
2017-06-23 delete person Drew Bayless
2017-06-23 delete person Laura Haseman
2017-06-23 insert email sh..@icloud.com
2017-06-23 insert email sm..@woodburylutheran.org
2017-06-23 insert person Sara Mulso
2017-06-23 insert person Shannon Schach
2017-06-23 update person_description Sunny Marshall => Sunny Marshall
2017-06-23 update person_title Sunny Marshall: Teacher - Terrific Threes Administrative Assistant; Support Staff Member => Administrative Assistant Office; Support Staff Member
2017-03-05 delete email an..@ymail.com
2017-03-05 delete email an..@gmail.com
2017-03-05 delete email ke..@gmail.com
2017-03-05 delete person Angie Crane
2017-03-05 delete person Ann Horrmann
2017-03-05 delete person Kelli Wick
2017-03-05 insert email am..@gmail.com
2017-03-05 insert email he..@bethel.edu
2017-03-05 insert email ka..@gmail.com
2017-03-05 insert email lj..@comcast.net
2017-03-05 insert email ma..@gmail.com
2017-03-05 insert email ti..@gmail.com
2017-03-05 insert person Amy Huebner
2017-03-05 insert person Heather Guerin
2017-03-05 insert person Katie Mueller
2017-03-05 insert person Laura Haseman
2017-03-05 insert person Lisa Mast
2017-03-05 insert person Tiffany Perlt
2017-03-05 update person_description Jyl Dunavan => Jyl Dunavan
2017-03-05 update person_description Kristin Broten => Kristin Broten
2017-03-05 update person_title Barb Koch: Assistant Teacher - Terrific Threes => Assistant Teacher - Terrific Threes L Teacher - Explorers Extended Learning
2017-03-05 update person_title Donna Ignaszewski: Teacher 's Aide Office => Assistant Teacher - Fantastic Fours Office
2017-03-05 update person_title Joel Symmank: Director of Growth Ministries Director of Sunday Contemporary Worship ( Valley Creek ) Office => Director of Growth Ministries Valley Creek Campus Sunday Contemporary Worship Leader
2017-03-05 update person_title Jon Kuehne: Pastor for Multi - Site Ministries - Campus Pastor => Liberty Ridge Campus Pastor
2017-03-05 update person_title Jyl Dunavan: Director of Saturday Contemporary Worship ( Valley Creek ) Office => Oak Hill Campus Worship Leader Office
2017-03-05 update person_title Kristin Broten: Teacher - Terrific Threes Teacher - Explorers Extended Learning => Teacher - Terrific Threes L Teacher - High Fives
2017-03-05 update person_title Lisa Schommer: Administrative Assistant Office => Business Manager Office
2017-03-05 update person_title Sarah Dibbern: Kids Ministry Coordinator => Kids Ministry Coordinator; Kids Ministry Coordinator L Youth Minister ( Oak Hill )
2016-12-23 delete email kr..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-12-23 delete person Matt Krotzer
2016-09-26 update person_description Scott Pitsch => Scott Pitsch
2016-08-13 delete email kn..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-08-13 delete person Colter Knippa
2016-08-13 insert email co..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-08-13 insert email pi..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-08-13 insert person Rachel Conant
2016-08-13 insert person Scott Pitsch
2016-08-13 update person_description Mary Lehman => Mary Lehman
2016-08-13 update person_title Mary Lehman: Director of Adult Education => Director of Small Groups and Women 's Ministry
2016-06-28 delete email am..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-06-28 delete email ki..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-06-28 delete person Kris Amundson
2016-06-28 delete person Molly Kieser
2016-06-28 insert address 11395 Eagle View Blvd Woodbury, MN 55129
2016-06-28 insert address Liberty Ridge Campus 11395 Eagle View Blvd Woodbury, MN 55129
2016-06-28 insert email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-06-28 insert person Liberty Ridge
2016-06-28 insert person Sarah Dibbern
2016-06-28 update person_description Sunny Marshall => Sunny Marshall
2016-06-28 update person_title Sunny Marshall: Teacher - High Fives Teacher - Terrific Threes => Teacher - Terrific Threes Administrative Assistant; Support Staff Member
2016-04-07 delete email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-04-07 delete email di..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-04-07 delete email pe..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-04-07 delete person Jane Dibbern
2016-04-07 delete person Tyler Peterson
2016-04-07 insert email bl..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-04-07 insert email ch..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-04-07 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-04-07 insert email ku..@woodburylutheran.org
2016-04-07 insert person Kendall Johnson
2016-01-31 insert email an..@ymail.com
2016-01-31 insert person Angie Crane
2016-01-31 update person_title Kristin Broten: Teacher - Explorers Extended Learning => Teacher - Terrific Threes Teacher - Explorers Extended Learning
2015-12-02 delete email kl..@gmail.com
2015-12-02 delete email mi..@gmail.com
2015-12-02 delete email sa..@gmail.com
2015-12-02 delete email ti..@comcast.net
2015-12-02 delete email wo..@gmail.com
2015-12-02 insert email br..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-12-02 insert email jo..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-12-02 insert email po..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-12-02 insert email sc..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-12-02 insert email su..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-12-02 update person_description Kristin Broten => Kristin Broten
2015-12-02 update person_description Sunny Marshall => Sunny Marshall
2015-09-18 delete email ku..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-09-18 delete person Jon Kuehne
2015-09-18 insert email kn..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-09-18 insert email kr..@woodburylutheran.org
2015-09-18 insert person Colter Knippa
2015-09-18 update person_description Barb Arend => Barb Arend
2015-09-18 update person_description Cindy Linert => Cindy Linert
2015-09-18 update person_description Derek Broten => Derek Broten
2015-09-18 update person_description Drew Bayless => Drew Bayless
2015-09-18 update person_description Jane Dibbern => Jane Dibbern
2015-09-18 update person_description Joel Symmank => Joel Symmank
2015-09-18 update person_description Kris Amundson => Kris Amundson
2015-09-18 update person_description Lindsey Schmidt => Lindsey Schmidt
2015-09-18 update person_description Mark Shepperd => Mark Shepperd
2015-09-18 update person_description Mary Law => Mary Law
2015-09-18 update person_description Mary Lehman => Mary Lehman
2015-09-18 update person_description Molly Kieser => Molly Kieser
2015-09-18 update person_description Nancy Schubbe => Nancy Schubbe
2015-09-18 update person_description Tom Pfotenhauer => Tom Pfotenhauer
2015-09-18 update person_description Tyler Peterson => Tyler Peterson
2015-06-15 delete index_pages_linkeddomain jrcorps.com
2015-06-15 delete source_ip
2015-06-15 insert address 7380 Afton Rd. Woodbury, MN 55125
2015-06-15 insert address 9050 60th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 Valley Creek
2015-06-15 insert source_ip
2015-06-15 update robots_txt_status www.woodburylutheran.org: 200 => 404
2015-04-19 delete treasurer Lisa Schaefer
2015-04-19 insert treasurer Lisa Smith
2015-04-19 delete person Lisa Schaefer
2015-04-19 insert person Brian Ingram
2015-04-19 insert person Lisa Smith
2015-04-19 insert person Renee Boehme
2015-04-19 insert person Theresa Ingram
2015-04-19 insert person Troy Wenck
2015-02-21 delete otherexecutives John Kuhrmeyer
2015-02-21 delete president Mike Brocker
2015-02-21 delete vp Paul Cronin
2015-02-21 insert president Paul Cronin
2015-02-21 insert vp Bryan Hughes
2015-02-21 delete person Curt Smith
2015-02-21 delete person John Kuhrmeyer
2015-02-21 delete person Josh Hayden
2015-02-21 delete person Julie Wolterstorff
2015-02-21 delete person Kevin Grahm
2015-02-21 delete person Lawrence A. Wilford
2015-02-21 delete person Mike Brocker
2015-02-21 insert person Kevin Graham
2015-02-21 insert person Matt Krotzer
2015-02-21 update person_title Bob Petrich: Elder => Elder; Lead Elder
2015-02-21 update person_title Bryan Hughes: Member at Large => Vice President
2015-02-21 update person_title Cindy Boedecker: Member at Large => Secretary
2015-02-21 update person_title Paul Cronin: Vice President => President
2014-08-22 delete person Devon Lark
2014-08-22 insert person Jon Kuehne
2014-08-22 insert person Molly Kieser
2014-08-22 update person_title Drew Bayless: Vicar => Pastor for Serve & Reach Ministries
2014-08-22 update person_title Kris Amundson: Children 's Ministries Assistant => Kids Ministries Assistant
2014-08-22 update person_title Nancy Schubbe: Director of Children 's Ministries => Director of Kids Ministries
2014-04-15 insert about_pages_linkeddomain ccbchurch.com
2014-04-15 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain ccbchurch.com
2014-04-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain ccbchurch.com