YORK COTTAGE - Key Persons

Miss Chicken Korma

Miss Chicken Korma, (aka. the Road Runner) is the by far the most inquisitive of the bunch and proving to be a real budding escape artist! She is always the first out and about. Miss Chicken Rezela (front aka. Stupid) is probably the most stupid. She won't stop eating the sand, climbing into occupied nest boxes and sliding down the ramp. Miss Chicken Tikka (back) has yet to show us her personality, apart from being a real coward. Miss Chicken Balti (front aka. Bully) is happy to peck anything that gets within range. We think she is trying to make sure she is the boss. Three weeks on and they are really starting to feel at home and show us their true personalities. Tikka has completely reversed her cowardice and become the Boss, is happy to be touched and happily wanders around our feet. She has become a real bully (deposing Balti) and is by far the most feathered and rounded.

Miss Chicken Tikka

Tikka came down with the same illness as Rezela. She stopped eating and became very thin. This time we acted quickly and went to the vet. When we asked about the results of the tests for Rezela they said they never sent them off and their advice was to wait and see if Tikka dies then do an ortopsy! I was not impressed! They gave us some more anti-biotics but I still was not convinced it was the right thing as her symptoms suggested she had Coccidiosis. As we left they also gave us something for that which we administered regularly. I am convinced that is why she is now back to her old self.