Amy Heinz

Job Titles:
Hello, I'm Pastor Amy Heinz, and I come to you from a wonderful two-point call in Unity and Medford, WI. Prior to my ordination in 2017, I worked as a manager in both profit and not-for-profit settings. I studied flute performance as an undergraduate at The University of Texas at Austin, and non-profit management as a graduate student at The University of Wisconsin at Madison. I play flute, piano, organ, and hand bells, and am beginning to learn the dulcimer. Husband Mark is self-employed as an accountant and musician (specializing in clarinet, sax, keyboard, and accordion). Our oldest son, Jonathan, works in management for Dahl automotive in La Crosse. Jonathan and his fiancée Isabel are expecting our first grandchild in early December! Our youngest, Ben, is a scientist for a global pharmaceuticals company, and he lives and works in Madison. In my free time, I like reading, word puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, playing with our dog Abigail, watching football (UT Longhorns and MN Vikings-go ahead and throw those rotten tomatoes at the Vikings fan!) and yarn (yes, just… yarn).

Judy Polege

Job Titles:
Arnold and I have 3 children and 3 granddaughters. Before retiring, in addition to family and farming, I played the piano for the Stratford School District, taught piano privately and did some library work. My favorite scripture is the 23 rd Psalm. Sacred music is very meaningful to me and I have many favorite hymns. The current one is "Oh God Beyond All Praising".

Kathy Busche

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
I moved to the Stratford area in 1992. I am married to Bruce and we were married at Zion by Pastor Dan Alexander. We are blessed with six children, 6 wonderful in-laws, and 10 grandchildren. My career for 27 years was as a surgical technician/surgical first assistant. I am now semi-retired and enjoying working part-time here at Zion. My favorite hymn is "What A Friend We Have in Jesus." The Bible verse that gives me strength is "Be still and know that I am God" from Psalm 46:10.

Kendra Edwards

Job Titles:

Marge Redetzke

Job Titles:
  • Organist
I grew up on a farm about a mile north of Stratford. After high school, I attended Wood County Teacher's College in Wisconsin Rapids and the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. I taught 4 th grade in Stevens Point for one year and 3 rd grade in Marshfield for 11 years. My husband and I have owned our construction business for 45 years. We have 4 sons and 5 grandchildren. I have been a member of Zion my entire life. When I was about eight years old, I began taking piano lessons from the sisters at St. Joseph Catholic Church, and later, I continued lessons from our pastor's wife at the time, Mrs. Schulte, who taught me to play the organ, which I still play today. I have many favorite hymns, so it's hard to choose just one, but one that we sing during communion is a favorite of mine, "Bread of Life from Heaven," ELW #474. My favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13:13 "Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love."