Edith Elphick

Job Titles:
  • Director and Founder of "Coaching to Win - Win
Edith Elphick is the Director and Founder of "Coaching to Win-Win". She is a professional and accredited Life Coach and a Law of Attraction coach on Abundance and Prosperity. She has transformed her life and those of many others by using the principles of the Law of Attraction and the Universal Laws of Manifestation. At a very young age, a friend gave her two books that would change her life: "Success through a Positive Mental Attitude" and the classic that has now been read by millions of people "Think and Grow Rich", both by Napoleon Hill. At the time, she found the content quite inspirational and applied some of the philosophies to her own life; however, it was not until years later that she could truly understand the profound message, the secret that is revealed in the books. For over 20 years, Edith had a successful career in the corporate world, working in the area of IT for two large corporations: Qantas Airways and IBM. During this time, she continued developing her passion for personal growth by reading self-development books, listening to audios and attending seminars on self-development, and by applying goal setting and management techniques in her leadership role. Her passion for personal growth and for helping others led her to a career in Life Coaching. Edith has undertaken formal training and has qualifications from LCIA, Life Coaching Institute of Australia, in the nationally recognised and accredited CERT IV in Life Coaching. Edith has undertaken further training and has accreditation from the ISCA, Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy, as an Inspired Spirit Life Coach, this training incorporates the principles of The Secret and The Law of Attraction. Edith is now living her passion!