CO:DIFY GROUP - Key Persons

Christian Rudolph - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Managing Partner
  • Member of the Codify Team
  • Business Designer
  • Expert in B2B Lean Innovation
  • Senior Business Designer
Chris helps corporations to build a circular innovation strategy, deep-dive into cleantech best practice, kickstart innovation programs for circular products and create performance-based business models. Chris is a senior business designer and circular economy expert. In more than ten years of practical consulting work in the field of innovation and strategy he helped industry clients analyze their value propositions for future viability and embed their business models in a long-term resilient strategy. Today he initiates change processes towards circular economy thinking and facilitates projects teams in processes of innovation foresight and creating product-service-systems. Chris is an expert in B2B Lean Innovation for industrial clients and accompanied many new players and incumbents in early stage business development. Since 2009 he has been involved in numerous innovation projects with corporations such as Philips Design, Audi, Ernst & Young, BASF or Fairphone. He worked as a circular economy expert with Z_punkt GmbH - The Foresight Company and (academic) institutions including Europe's biggest innovation learning program Climate KIC.

Claudia Brückner

Job Titles:
  • Design Thinking Coach
Claudia is a culture transformation facilitator with deep experience in workshop and "meeting culture" design. She helps teams to improve their work culture in their sphere of influence in an instant.

Elias Barrasch

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Member of the Codify Team
  • Partner
  • Interface Designer Turned Education Pioneer
Elias is an interface designer and social entrepreneur turned innovation strategist. His vocation is the "future of education and work". Today he advises clients on how to become a learning organization.

Ingo Rauth

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Coach
  • Member of the Codify Team
  • Partner
  • Expert Network
Ingo is a change management and 'design thinking at scale' expert, turned into leadership coach. Today he helps professionals navigating their life transitions. Rauth, I., Köppen, E., Jobst, B., & Meinel, C. (2010). Design thinking: An educational model towards creative confidence. DS 66-2: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on design creativity (ICDC 2010). Ingo is one of co:dify's founding members. Love has brought him to Toronto, Canada, from where he not only runs the awesome School of Becoming but also remote-teaches in universities across the world. He is both, co:dify's academic advisor and our (not so) secret weapon for challenging interventions and coaching with executive leadership in projects and change programs. Elias has also been and still is an important co:dify trailblazer: He was a managing partner from 2018 to 2021, when he decided to refocus more on family and project work again. He is now a co:dify associate and runs client projects regarding all things ‘learning organization'. Psst … , due to the hype of it, both Ingo and Elias, don't like to talk about it in public, but they are also veeery seasoned design thinking pros.

Jan Schmiedgen - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Managing Partner
  • Member of the Codify Team
  • Business Designer With a Specialization in Circular Economy
  • Partner, Innovation Strategist
Jan is an educator, innovation strategist and founding partner at co:dify. He loves to understand complex systems and make them manageable so that the new can enter the world without politics and productive friction only. Chris (Business Designer with a specialization in Circular Economy) and Jan (Innovation Strategist with a design craft background) run co:dify in its back-end. If you want to know more about them, check out their profiles by clicking on their portraits.

Lara Lee

Job Titles:
  • Chief Innovation Officer at Continuum
Lara Lee, Chief Innovation Officer at Continuum makes design thinking look sexy. Her passion for human centered design has helped companies like Pampers and Harley Davidson redesign the ways they deliver value. Always accepting failure a...