Carrie Driskill

Carrie Driskill has worked at Crestview Community Center since it opened in 2004. She works part-time as a receptionist/scheduler of community and church events. She is married to Mark and has 2 adult daughters, Brianna and Alyssa.

Cheryl Stephenson

Cheryl Stephenson has 3 grown children, Colby, Chris & Katie and has been a Community Center check-in desk receptionist, working with the public and scheduling events since the center opened in 2004. After volunteering for a little over 2 years, she became an official staff member in 2006.

Donnis Smith

Donnis Smith began working at Crestview in September 2006 as the Crestview Community Center Administrative Assistant. In February 2012 she also became the bookkeeper. Donnis now spends about 90% of her time performing the financial, accounting, and reporting responsibilities for Crestview in addition to assisting the very capable Community Center staff as needed. Donnis is married to Russell, who grew up at Crestview and returned to Waco with his family in 1994. Donnis and Russell have two grown children, Ian and Audrey.

Mary K. Elliot

Job Titles:
  • Friday Receptionist
Mary K. Elliot is our Friday receptionist. Mary K. keeps up with our new members, updating the pictorial directory and information. She keeps the flock lists updated and helps each month with Starting Point materials.

Ofelia Gutierrez

Our Custodial Staff, Ofelia Gutierrez and Max Flores work together to keep our building clean and in proper working order. They are always here and always ready and willing to help.

Pat Neel

Pat Neel has worked at Crestview for 12 years. Her responsibilities as receptionist and secretary include answering phones, recording membership information, corresponding with members, keeping email data, and updating our Elexio database.

Suzanne McDonald

Suzanne McDonald has worked at Crestview since 2012 and is the Office Manager and Administrative Assistant to our pulpit minister. Suzanne is married to Terry and they have 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren.