DAN SHOWERS - History of Changes

2024-04-22 delete personal_emails ka..@rbc.com
2024-04-22 delete email ka..@rbc.com
2024-04-22 delete person Kathy A Hornsby
2024-04-22 delete phone 815-636-4001
2023-04-02 delete address Global Insight 2023 Outlook
2023-04-02 insert index_pages_linkeddomain rbcinsight.com
2023-01-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain rbcinsight.com
2023-01-11 insert address Global Insight 2023 Outlook
2022-08-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain rbcinsight.com
2022-08-04 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-06-29 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-03-26 delete source_ip
2022-03-26 insert source_ip
2022-03-26 insert source_ip
2022-03-26 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-02-17 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2021-02-14 delete phone 815-636-4010
2018-04-15 delete source_ip
2018-04-15 insert source_ip
2018-04-15 update robots_txt_status us.rbcwealthmanagement.com: 0 => 200
2018-04-15 update robots_txt_status www.danshowers.com: 0 => 200
2017-12-12 insert address Global Insight 2018 Outlook
2017-09-30 delete personal_emails ju..@rbc.com
2017-09-30 insert personal_emails ka..@rbc.com
2017-09-30 delete email ju..@rbc.com
2017-09-30 delete person Julie D. Jacobs
2017-09-30 insert email ka..@rbc.com
2017-09-30 insert person Kathy A Hornsby
2016-09-06 delete personal_emails ma..@rbc.com
2016-09-06 insert personal_emails ju..@rbc.com
2016-09-06 delete email ma..@rbc.com
2016-09-06 delete person Matthew Ramsden
2016-09-06 insert email ju..@rbc.com
2016-09-06 insert person Julie D. Jacobs
2016-05-17 update person_title Malia Haskins: Vice President - Wealth Strategies Consultant / Estate and High Net Worth => null
2015-07-07 delete address Bulletin Board Global Insight 2015 Outlook
2015-03-09 insert address Bulletin Board Global Insight 2015 Outlook
2014-06-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain nyx.com
2014-06-21 insert directions_pages_linkeddomain nyx.com
2014-06-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain nyx.com
2014-03-12 delete address 2215 Perrygreen Way Ste. A Rockford, IL 61107
2014-03-12 insert address 2215 Perrygreen Way Suite A Rockford, IL 61107
2014-03-12 update primary_contact 2215 Perrygreen Way Ste. A Rockford, IL 61107 => 2215 Perrygreen Way Suite A Rockford, IL 61107
2014-02-02 delete index_pages_linkeddomain rbcbank.com