James H. Dykstra

JAMES H. DYKSTRA has over three decades of experience in senior positions on Capitol Hill, in the Executive Branch, and in the private sector. He has served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, Republican Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Chief of Staff and Legislative Director to Rep. Steve Horn (R-CA), Legislative Assistant to Sen. Bill Cohen (R-ME), and Press Secretary and Legislative Assistant to Rep. Bill Steiger (R-WI). In those positions, Mr. Dykstra worked with senior Executive Branch officials and senior Members of the House and Senate, including the leadership, and the authorizing and appropriations committees of both chambers. After leaving government service, he joined a government relations firm specializing in appropriations issues. He also served as Director of the Civil-Military Leadership Program for the Stennis Center for Public Service. Mr. Dykstra is a board member and past president of the organization of former House Chiefs of Staff.

Julia A. McCleary

JULIA A. MCCLEARY has over fifteen years of experience in government relations. She works on global health issues and oversees the business administration for the firm. Previously, she worked as a legislative representative for an aerospace contractor and a law firm, handling defense and telecommunications issues.


Job Titles:
  • Staff Director of the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee
TERRY R. PEEL is a former senior Subcommittee staff director of the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Appropriations. Mr. Peel has more than 18 years of experience with the Committee on Appropriations, serving as staff director of both the Foreign Operations and Export Financing and Military Construction Subcommittees. He worked closely with the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of these subcommittees and the full Appropriations Committee. During his time with the Committee, Mr. Peel worked jointly with senior level Democratic and Republican Members of Congress, including the leadership of both parties. He has also developed important relationships with the Executive Branch. He has worked with both the public and private sector on a wide range of economic, military, health, and other issues and projects during his career with the House of Representatives.

William H. Edington

WILLIAM H. EDINGTON served for seven years as associate staff member on the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Appropriations. Mr. Edington handled defense, health care, transportation, natural resources and other issues for a Subcommittee chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. He also served as a liaison with other authorizing committees and the leadership of the House. Mr. Edington additionally has been a Congressional relations and management specialist with the U.S. Department of the Treasury. He is a founder of the firm and has 34 years of experience working with the firm's clients. Mr. Edington also has responsibility for the firm's business affairs.