Christopher Crabel

Job Titles:
  • Consent Decree Coordinator

Consent Decree

Job Titles:
  • Consent Decree Coordinator

Crabel, Christopher

Job Titles:
  • Consent Decree Coordinator

Dave Musgrave

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • City Manager

Ella Jones

Job Titles:
  • Council Representative

Ferguson Station

In the 1850s, William B. Ferguson, in true entrepreneurial fashion, agreed to deed a strip of land through his farm to the North Missouri Railroad, later known as the Wabash Railroad. This was done on the condition that they build a depot on his land and make it a regular stop. This stop, known as Ferguson Station, became the center of activity around the area, and Mr. Ferguson subdivided his land and sold lots to businesses and homeowners. By 1894, population had reached 1,000 and the town of Ferguson Station was incorporated as a fourth class city.

Jared Liebers

Job Titles:
  • Administration

Joe Schroeder

Serves as an oversight body with respect to the investigations of complaints made against members of the police department. Meets on the first Monday of each month in Council Chambers. Appointed by Council.

John Hampton

Job Titles:
  • City Manager
  • Fire Chief

John Hughes - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Finance Director

Liebers, Jared

Job Titles:
  • IT Specialist

Mr. David Williams

Job Titles:
  • Council Representative

Mr. Michael Palmer

Job Titles:
  • Council Representative

Mr. Nick Kasoff

Mrs. Heather Robinett

Job Titles:
  • Council Representative

Mrs. Linda Lipka

Job Titles:
  • Council Representative

Ms. Naquittia Noah

Musgrave, Dave

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • City Manager

Thomas January

Thomas January, a wholesale grocer, director of the North Missouri Railroad, and St. Louis County's first Treasurer, contracted with the railroad to enlarge a spring-fed lake on his property, and use the water to supply the tank at the depot. A small part of the January estate was later sold to the railroad for use as recreation area for company employees, and it became known as the Wabash Club. In 1948, the City of Ferguson purchased the property for JanuaryWabash Park, which now contains one of the most heavily fished urban lakes in the State of Missouri.

Todd Mink

Members assist the council with long-range the goals of the community related to a master plan, reviews and recommends zoning and/or zoning changes, and advises developers on projects appropriate to the master plan and zoning ordinance. Meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 110 Church Street. Appointed by Council.